Releases: broadlume/hanami-events-cloud_pubsub
Releases · broadlume/hanami-events-cloud_pubsub
The Big Three Oh 👀
Major Changes
- Auto retry behavior is no longer a custom implementation, and relies on Google Pubsub's built in mechanism.
The behavior is opt-in, you need to setup your config like so:
Hanami::Events::CloudPubsub.configure do |config|
config.auto_retry.enabled = true
config.auto_retry.dead_letter_topic_name = 'my-dead-letter-topic-name' # will be auto created
- Require Ruby >= 2.5 breaking!
Previously, the policy of this gem was to always acknowledge messages if the failed. This is a pain, since it does not allow for retries on failure without manual intervention. 2.0.0 will set auto-retry as the default policy, which will retry until the retention period ends (range is from 10 minutes to 7 days)