Simple YAML-based task runner written in Go.
- Not super slow
- Not super obscure
- No dependencies
- Variables
- Simple
Via binary releases.
Via go-get
$ go get
Command-line usage.
Output tasks:
$ robo
aws – amazon web services cli – open the repo in circle ci
events – send data to the "events" topic
push – push image from the current directory
Output task help:
$ robo help events
events [project-id] [rate]
send data to the "events" topic
Send 25 events a second to gy2d
$ robo events gy2d 25
Regardless of task type (shell, exec, script) any additional arguments given will be passed.
For example suppose you have the following task:
exec: ssh tools aws
You may then interact with the AWS cli as you would normally:
$ robo aws help
$ robo aws ec2 describe-instances
Task configuration.
The most basic task simply runs a shell command:
summary: some task
command: echo world
You may also define multi-line commands with YAML's |
summary: some task
command: |
echo hello
echo world
Commands are executed via sh -c
, thus you may use shell features and
positional variables, for example:
command: echo "Hello ${1:-there}"
$ robo hello
Hello there
$ robo hello Tobi
Hello there Tobi
The exec alternative lets you replace the robo image without the fork & shell, however note that shell features are not available (pipes, redirection, etc).
summary: some task
exec: echo hello
Any arguments given are simply appended.
Shell scripts may be used instead of inline commands:
summary: some task
script: path/to/
Script paths are relative to the config file, not the working directory.
Tasks may optionally specify usage parameters, which display upon help output:
summary: send data to the "events" topic
exec: docker run -it events
usage: "[project-id] [rate]"
Tasks may optionally specify any number of example commands, which display upon help output:
summary: send data to the "events" topic
exec: docker run -it events
usage: "[project-id] [rate]"
- description: Send 25 events a second to gy2d
command: robo events gy2d 25
Robo supports variables via the text/template package. All you have to do is define a map of variables
and use {{
to refer to them.
Here's an example:
summary: Run commands against stage.
exec: ssh {{.hosts.stage}} -t robo
summary: Run commands against prod.
exec: ssh {{}} -t robo
prod: bastion-prod
stage: bastion-stage
Task list
and help
output may be re-configured, for example if you
prefer to view usage information instead of the summary:
list: |
{{range .Tasks}} {{cyan .Name}} – {{.Usage}}
Or perhaps something more verbose:
list: |
{{range .Tasks}}
name: {{cyan .Name}}
summary: {{.Summary}}
usage: {{.Usage}}
By default ./robo.yml
is loaded, however if you want global tasks
you can simply alias to something like:
alias segment='robo --config ~/.robo.yml'
You can easily use Robo to chain Robo, which is useful for multi-environment setups. For example:
summary: production tasks
exec: robo --config production.yml
summary: stage tasks
exec: robo --config stage.yml
Or on remote boxes:
summary: production tasks
exec: ssh prod-tools -t robo --config production.yml
summary: stage tasks
exec: ssh stage-tools -t robo --config stage.yml
We generally use Makefiles for project specific tasks, however the discoverability of global tasks within a large team is difficult unless there's good support for self-documentation, which Make is bad at.
I'm aware of the million other solutions (Sake, Thor, etc) but I just wanted something fast without dependencies.