What is Backstage. Backstage is a powerful service catalog & extensible tools for driving production readiness developed by Spotify.
- Nomad - here for install guide
Update the client.hcl to update the host_volume path that will be used for the postgres database.
host_volume "database" {
path = "/add your path here/backstage-nomad/data" <--- add your relative path here
read_only = false
sudo nomad agent -dev -bind -network-interface=en0 -log-level INFO -config client.hcl
Nomad URL: http://localhost:4646/
In a separate console window run:
nomad job run consul.hcl
Consul URL: http://localhost:8500/
nomad job run postgres.hcl
nomad job run pgweb.hcl ## Optional
PGWeb URL: http://pgweb.service.consul:8081/
For Backstage to read pull the catalog information you will need to create a Github Personal Access Token.
Then you need to modify the backstage.hcl with your token (DO NOT commit your token to Github) and your repo URL like below:
locals {
image = "brucedominguez/backstage-nomad-example:1.0.0" ## Or the image you have built from source
cataglog_info_url = "https://github.com/<YOUR ORG>/backstage-nomad-local/blob/main/catalog/all.yaml"
nomad job run backstage.hcl
Backstage URL: http://backstage.service.consul:7007
- Clone the backstage repo https://github.com/backstage/backstage
- Follow the Getting Started Guide. Ensure that you have all the Prerequisites, especially the correct version of Node (I used v14.20.0).
- In the root of the folder, create your version of the app by running
npx @backstage/create-app
and follow the prompts - Modify the
under the newly created folder (new app name) with the below?:
title: Backstage App
+ baseUrl: http://backstage.service.consul:3000 # Replace localhost and add the consul dns name of the service
+ baseUrl: http://backstage.service.consul:7007 # Replace localhost and add the consul dns name of the service
connect-src: ["'self'", 'http:', 'https:']
+ upgrade-insecure-requests: false # This will prevent urls being upgraded to https since it is local
database: # Update the database connection to use postgres
+ client: pg
+ connection:
+ host: ${POSTGRES_HOST}
+ port: ${POSTGRES_PORT}
+ user: ${POSTGRES_USER}
+ password: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}
+ catalog: ## Remove the catalog section and add the below to pull the catalog from your Github repo
+ rules:
+ - allow: [Component, System, API, Resource, Location, Domain]
+ locations:
+ - type: github-discovery
- Optional Remove the reference to the
in the Dockerfile prior to building by removing"--config", "app-config.production.yaml"
from./<your app directory>/packages/backend/Dockerfile
- From the root of you new app folder run the below:
yarn install
yarn tsc
yarn build
- Enable Github Discovery by following the steps outlined.
- Next build your Dockerfile from the root of your new app directory
docker image build . -f packages/backend/Dockerfile --tag <your dockerhub repo>/backstage-nomad-example:<add-tag-version>
- Push the image to your dockerhub repo
docker push <your dockerhub repo>/backstage-nomad-example:<add-tag-version>