Ansible role to install SumoCollector. This role was based on wgregorian as recommended by Sumo staff and modcloth's role inspiration. That was a native install using yum.
We now support yum, tarball and docker installs. Hot patches would likely be first available via tarball for testing bugfixes with sumologic team.
Default variables:
For a complete list see defaults.yml
deployment_id: Following sumo best practices, there is a top-level deployment_id which sets
_sourceCategory allowing indexing based on deployment.
# Credentials. Set these in your environment or over-ride.
sumologic_collector_accessid: "{{ lookup('env', 'SUMO_COLLECTOR_ACCESS_ID' }}"
sumologic_collector_accesskey: "{{ lookup('env', 'SUMO_COLLECTOR_ACCESS_KEY' }}"
sumocollector_installer_rpm: ""
sumologic_installer_rpm_local_folder: "/tmp"
sumologic_installer_remote_file: "/tmp/sumocollector.deb"
sumocollector_installer_download: ""
- assuming environment variables $sumologic_collector_accessid and $sumologic_collector_accesskey are set:
sumologic_collector_accessid: "{{ lookup('env','sumologic_collector_accessid') }}"
sumologic_collector_accesskey: "{{ lookup('env','sumologic_collector_accesskey') }}"
sumologic_collector_clobber: ""
sumologic_installer_file: ""
sumologic_collector_source_template: "collector.json.j2"
sumologic_collector_timezone: "UTC"
sumologic_collector_force_timezone: "false"
- be sure to specify the sumologic_collector_default_log_path variable, as below pattern for 1 or many log locations:
- name: "EXAMPLE LOG"
path: "/var/log/EXAMPLE.log"
use_multiline: false
category: "EXAMPLE"
- name: "EXAMPLE LOG 2"
path: "/var/log/EXAMPLEi2.log"
use_multiline: false
category: "EXAMPLE2"
- be sure to specify the sumologic_collector_application_log_path variable, as below pattern for 1 or many log locations:
- name: "APP LOG"
path: "/var/log/APP.log"
use_multiline: false
category: "APP"
Example Commandline Options
$ ansible-playbook -i /path/to/hosts site.yml -e sumologic_force_restart=yes -e @/ath/to/over-ride-vars.yml
- run
ansible-galaxy install wgregorian.sumocollector
- requirements.yml
- src: wgregorian.sumocollector
- and run the following to make the role available to playbook:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
and running:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
These could be migrated to
sumologic_installer_file: ""
sumologic_collector_source_template: "collector.json.j2"
sumologic_collector_timezone: "UTC"
sumologic_collector_force_timezone: "false"
- name: "EXAMPLE LOG"
path: "/var/log/EXAMPLE.log"
use_multiline: false
category: "EXAMPLE"
Group variable example:
- name: "APP LOG"
path: "/var/log/APP.log"
use_multiline: false
category: "APP" }
If there are errors in a source file, it may be difficult to discover. You can check in the UI by seeing if the file-name shows up in a collector's sources. You may inspect the json for the source by clicking the info icon. You can find the errors by changing the source while tailing collector.log in another shell:
tail -f /path/to/collector.log | grep blade
Add sumo api calls to map docker-stats uuid names to nice container names using HTTP source. Add examples of sumo api calls to configure queries and alerts. Add dashboard templates via api calls.
- William Gregorian - CISO, FutureAdvisor.
- Kesten Broughton - Sr. Devops Engineer, CognitiveScale
- Juju4