Additional methodology for Brunke et al. 2021
Brunke, A.J., Hansen, A.K., Salnitska, M., Kypke, J.L., Predeus, A.V., Escalona, H., Chapados, J.T., Eyres, J., Richter, R., Smetana, A., Ślipiński, A., Zwick, A., Hájek, J., Leschen, R., Solodovnikov, A. and Dettman, J.R. 2021. The limits of Quediini at last (Staphylinidae: Staphylininae): a rove beetle mega-radiation resolved by comprehensive sampling and anchored phylogenomics. Systematic Entomology. 46: 396–421
The optional manual quality control step detailed in manual_processing.txt is meant to be used in conjunction with the pipeline found at: