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Topologic is a software development kit and plug-in that enables logical, hierarchical and topological representation of spaces and entities


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This projects creates a Topologic python module from the Topologic C++ sources (available at

Install on Linux

Any recent distribution should have all the tools needed. The instructions below are for Debian-based distributions, but other distributions should have corresponding packages too. These instructions have been tested to work on Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla 2.10. Please make sure you have updated your OS before attempting to install topologicPy. In these instructions we assume python3.8 and everythng is installed in /usr/local/lib. Please change according to your python version.

  1. Create a working folder: We will assume that you will install everything in ~/topologicbim
mkdir ~/topologicbim
cd ~/topologicbim
  1. Install dependencies UBUNTU (Tested)
sudo apt-get install bzip2 unzip cmake make g++ git libgl-dev libglu-dev libpng-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev libtbb-dev tcl-dev tk-dev zlib1g-dev libharfbuzz-dev libfreetype-dev libfreeimage-dev libocct-*-dev

if libocct-*-dev cannot be found while installing the dependencies, replace it with libocct-foundation-dev libocct-data-exchange-dev Fedora (Suggested at, Untested)

sudo dnf install cmake gcc-c++ opencascade-devel libuuid-devel
  1. Install Topologic UBUNTU (Tested)
git clone
cd Topologic
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

At the end of this process, should exist in /usr/local/lib

Fedora (Suggested at, Untested)

git clone
cd Topologic
mkdir BUILD
cmake ..
sudo make install

This will likely install the library and headers to /usr/local so unless you have already edited your library path you need to do something like this:

sudo sh -c "echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/"
sudo ldconfig
  1. Install cppyy via pip: This is needed at runtime by the topologic module:
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install cppyy
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
  1. Install TopologicPy
cd ~/topologicbim
git clone
cd TopologicPy/cpython
python3 build
sudo python3 install
  1. Set the CPPYY_API_PATH: edit the /etc/environment file and add the following line
sudo gedit /etc/environment

Type the following into the file that opens


Save the file. Logout and log back in to continue

  1. Test

Test in a Python 3 console:

import topologic
import cppyy

If no error message appears, everything was correctly installed.

  1. Install for Blender 2.91 on Ubuntu 20.04 that uses the system's python3.8 Remove any previous versions of Blender
sudo apt install blender

Make sure that your blender installation is using the system's python3.8

Using the module

There is an test file we have used to test the module. This example shows how you can use the Python/C++ to make calls directly to Topologic:

# import the topologic submodules
from topologic import Vertex, Edge, Wire, Face, Shell, Cell, CellComplex, Cluster, Graph, Topology

# create a vertex
v1 = Vertex.ByCoordinates(0,0,0) 

# create another vertex
v2 = Vertex.ByCoordinates(20,20,20)

# create an edge from the two vertices
e1 = Edge.ByStartVertexEndVertex(v1, v2)

# retrieve the coordinate from the start vertex of e1
sv = e1.StartVertex()
print("   "+str([sv.X(), sv.Y(), sv.Z()]))

# retrieve the coordinate from the end vertex of e1
ev = e1.EndVertex()
print("   "+str([ev.X(), ev.Y(), ev.Z()]))

# retrieve the coordinates of the centroid of e1
cv = Topology.Centroid(e1)
print("   "+str([cv.X(), cv.Y(), cv.Z()]))

To test this file:

cd ~/topologicbim/topologicPy

You should see the following as an output:

1. Create Vertex (v1) at 0 0 0
2. Create Vertex (v2) at 20 20 20
3. Create an Edge (e1) connecting v1 to v2
4. Print the coordinates of the start vertext of e1:
   [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
5. Print the coordinates of the end vertext of e1:
   [20.0, 20.0, 20.0]
6. Print the coordinates of the centroid of e1:
   [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]

How to install for Blender 2.92 from an Anaconda Virtual Environment

Blender 2.9.2 uses python 3.7.7. Therefore, you need to create a virtual environment and install cppyy and TopologicPy in that environment then replace Blender's python folder with this one. Here is one way to accomplish that using Anaconda

  1. Download and Install Anaconda

Download and install the individual version of Anaconda from

  1. Create a virtual environment compatible with the version of python installed in Blender

Open Blender, choose scripting and make note of the python version being used. We will assume it is python 3.7.7. Open a window and type the following:

conda create --name Blender377 python=3.7.7
conda activate Blender377
  1. Install cppyy

Stay in the Anaconda CMD.exe Prompt and type the following:

pip install cppyy
  1. Re-install TopologicPy

Stay in the prompt and type the following:

cd ~/topologicbim/topologicPy/cpython
python build
sudo python install

After installation check the installed directory (in terminal), if installed directory path is in Python 3.8 use the below command to install into your created Python Blender377 environment. Remember to change 'USERNAME' sudo /home/USERNAME/anaconda3/envs/Blender377/bin/python install

  1. Replace Blender's python folder

Rename the folder of the Blender Python environment /Applications/Blender/Contents/Resources/2.92/python to something different like python-original Copy the anaconda virtual environment folder (e.g. ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/Blender377) to /Applications/Blender/Contents/Resources/2.92/ and then re-name it to python. Start Blender At the scripting command prompt in Blender, type the following script

import cppyy
from topologic import Vertex, Edge, Wire, Face, Shell, Cell, CellComplex, Cluster, Topology, Graph, Dictionary

v1 = Vertex.ByCoordinates(0,0,0)
v2 = Vertex.ByCoordinates(10,10,10)
e1 = Edge.ByStartVertexEndVertex(v1, v2)
c1 = e1.Centroid()
print([c1.X(), c1.Y(), c1.Z()])

If you see the following, then all is fine:

[5.0, 5.0, 5.0]


In case your distribution doesn't provide freetype:

cd /usr/src/
tar xvf freetype-2.9.1.tar.gz
cd freetype-2.9.1
./configure && make && make install

In case your distribution doesn't provide freeimage:

cd /usr/src/
cd FreeImage && \
	make && \
	make install

In case your distribution doesn't provide opencascade (occt):

cd /usr/src/
tar xvf opencascade-7.4.0.tgz
cd opencascade-7.4.0
mkdir build && \
	cd build && \
	cmake .. && \
	make && \
	make install


Topologic is a software development kit and plug-in that enables logical, hierarchical and topological representation of spaces and entities







No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 91.4%
  • C++ 8.6%