Quickly build a bot, that replies to posts of its followers that contain certain keyword(s) or phrase(s).
git clone [email protected]:bskybot/bsky-reply-bots.git
cd bsky-reply-bots/
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
Rename bot/example.index.ts
to bot/index.ts
and edit with your preferred editor.
Note that you can define multiple bots. If you provide multiple reply messages for a keyword the bot will randomly select one of the messages. If you give an array of strings to exclude, the bot won't reply if the text contains one of the words. Also if typed as ConsentBot, a consent dm must be defined, that has to be answered correctly before the bot reacts to a post.
A bot be defined as followed:
const nameOfYourBot1: ReplyBot = {
username: "YourBotUsername",
password: "YourBotPassword",
did: "did:plc:YourBotDid",
replies: [
keyword: "keyword1",
exclude: ["badword1", "badword2"],
messages: ["reply1", "reply2", "reply3"]
keyword: "keyword2",
messages: ["reply"]
const nameOfYourBot2: ConsentBot = {
username: "YourBotUsername",
password: "YourBotPassword",
did: "did:plc:YourBotDid",
consentDm: {
consentQuestion: "Do you consent to my terms, answer with `Yes`.",
consentAnswer: "Yes"
replies: [
keyword: "another keywords phrase",
messages: ["reply1", "reply2", "reply3"]
Don't miss to add the bot to the export in bot/index.ts
export const bots: Array<ReplyBot | ConsentBot> = [nameOfYourBot1, nameOfYourBot2];
pnpm build
node dist/index.js
Or start without building
pnpm start
Or use a tool like pm2
to run in the background.
pnpm build
pm2 start dist/index.js