Reads journald entries and uploads them to SumoLogic.
Use prebuilt images from Dockerhub: Example SystemD service file:
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm -f log-forwarder
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --init --rm --name log-forwarder \
-e "SUMO_SOURCE_CATEGORY=dev/your-aws-account/linux/<something>" \
-e "SUMO_SOURCE_NAME=your-system-<something>" \
-e "SUMO_TRUSTED_TIMESTAMP_COLLECTOR_URL=<unique-collector-url>" \
-e "SUMO_UNTRUSTED_TIMESTAMP_COLLECTOR_URL=<unique-collector-url>" \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /etc:/etc \
-v /var/log/journal:/var/log/journal:ro \
-v /var/lib/log-forwarder:/var/lib/log-forwarder \
--log-driver none \
--network host \
See the SumoLogic documentation for more information.
- SUMO_TRUSTED_TIMESTAMP_COLLECTOR_URL - This should be a collector configured with 'Enable Timestamp Parsing' ON / ENABLED
- SUMO_UNTRUSTED_TIMESTAMP_COLLECTOR_URL - This should be a collector configured with 'Enable Timestamp Parsing' OFF / DISABLED
See: for a list of valid Journald transports.
- SUMO_SOURCE_HOST - Can be used to override hostname, otherwise will auto-detect using ec2 metadata or /etc/hostname in that order.
- JOURNAL_INCLUDE_TRANSPORTS - Comma delimited list of journald transports to collect from. Default: all valid transports.
- JOURNAL_EXCLUDE_TRANSPORTS - if set, will exclude the listed journald transports from collection. Default: empty.
- JOURNAL_EXCLUDE_UNITS - if set, will exclude messages from the nominated systemd units, useful to exclude the logfwder itself but accepts a comma separated list.
- FORMAT_MESSAGE_EXCLUDE_UNITS - if set, will disable custom formatting for the nominated systemd units. Default:
is excluded by default. - SUMO_EXCLUDE_SOURCE_CATEGORIES - A comma separated list of strings which will cause messages to be dropped if they match (by "string contains") a source
category. For example, a value of
will prevent weave net messages from being forwarded to Sumo.
Standard proxy environment variables are supported.
- http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY
- https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY
- no_proxy or NO_PROXY
The SUMO_SOURCE_HOST environment variable can be set to override the hostname emitted to sumo, however the default behaviour is to auto-detect the hostname from the system itself, using cloud provider metadata or /etc/hostname in that order. Both AWS and GCP are supported.
For all journald event sources a source category and/or source name will be generated and override or extend what is specified in environment variables. This effectively makes the values specified in environment variables the base values, especially for Source Category.
There are 3 kinds of generation behaviour currently supported:
If an event is from docker, has a CONTAINER_ID
and the
starts with k8s_
then we will look up Kubernetes
API to get the pod name, namespace and owner name (daemonset,
deployment etc) for that pod.
- Source Category will be set to:
$SUMO_SOURCE_CATEGORY/kubernetes/<kubernetes namespace>/<kubernetes owner name / pod name>
- Source Name will be set to:
<kubernetes pod name>
If an event is from docker and has a CONTAINER_ID
but isn't from
kubernetes, it is treated like a vanilla docker process.
- Source Category will be set to:
$SUMO_SOURCE_CATEGORY/docker/<docker container name>
- Source Name will be set to:
<docker container name>
If an event has SYSTEMD_SLICE
set and doesn't match the above
scenarios it is treated as a vanilla systemd process.
- Source Category will be set to:
$SUMO_SOURCE_CATEGORY/systemd/<systemd slice name>
- Source Name will be set to:
<systemd slice name>
Otherwise an if an event doesn't match any of the above scenarios it is treated as a vanilla journald entry.
- Source Category will be set to:
$SUMO_SOURCE_CATEGORY/journald/<journal transport name>
- Source Name will be set to:
<journal transport name>
Because log-forwarder is supposed to be drawing all logs entries from a given host, likely from a number of sources as described above, it is likely that some of those sources are logging timestamp in different ways or not at all. This creates a problem in SumoLogic as it will by default try and parse a given log event and make it searchable with whatever time (in the nominated timezone) that it finds. Where it doesn't find a timezone it will apply the default timezone for the collector. As the log-forwarder can't pass source specific timezone information to SumoLogic (its not part of the upload API) we have simplified down to two classes of sources, sources we can 'trust' the timestamp of and those we can't. Trusted log entries are those that have a format SumoLogic supports that includes a timezone, and untrusted are entries that should be marked with the receipt timestamp in SumoLogic (so now-ish). All events can't be marked with receipt time as it will subtly change the order of messages for transactions that cross host boundaries, this is most important for application logs which are luckily a trusted timestamp source so won't have this problem.
Currently only kubernetes pods may have trusted timestamps (not docker containers or systemd services).
To send logs to the "trusted timestamp" collector, set an annotation like com.sumologic/trusted-timestamp=true
on a pod.