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chore: update

chore: update #5

Workflow file for this run

# name: Soak Test
# permissions: read-all
# on:
# workflow_dispatch:
# schedule:
# - cron: '0 4 * * *' # 12AM EST/9PM PST
# # push:
# # paths-ignore:
# # - "**.md"
# # - "**.jpg"
# # - "**.png"
# # - "**.gif"
# # - "**.svg"
# # - "adr/**"
# # - "__mocks__/**"
# # - ".npmignore"
# # - ".prettierignore"
# # - "scripts/**"
# # - "hack/**"
# # - "_images/**"
# # - "**.yaml"
# # - "**.toml"
# # - "**.json"
# # - "docs/**"
# # branches: ["main"]
# # pull_request:
# # branches: ["main"]
# # paths-ignore:
# # - "**.md"
# # - "**.jpg"
# # - "**.png"
# # - "**.gif"
# # - "**.svg"
# # - "adr/**"
# # - "__mocks__/**"
# # - ".npmignore"
# # - ".prettierignore"
# # - "scripts/**"
# # - "hack/**"
# # - "_images/**"
# # - "**.yaml"
# # - "**.toml"
# # - "docs/**"
# # - "**.json"
# # refs
# #
# #
# jobs:
# pepr-build:
# name: controller image
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Harden Runner
# uses: step-security/harden-runner@5c7944e73c4c2a096b17a9cb74d65b6c2bbafbde # v2.9.1
# with:
# egress-policy: audit
# - name: clone pepr
# uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7
# with:
# repository: defenseunicorns/pepr
# path: pepr
# - name: "set env: PEPR"
# run: echo "PEPR=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/pepr" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# - name: setup node
# uses: actions/setup-node@1e60f620b9541d16bece96c5465dc8ee9832be0b # v4.0.3
# with:
# node-version: 20
# cache: "npm"
# cache-dependency-path: pepr
# - name: install pepr deps
# run: |
# cd "$PEPR"
# npm ci
# - name: build pepr image
# run: |
# cd "$PEPR"
# npm run build:image
# - name: tar pepr image
# run: |
# PEPR_TAR="${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/pepr-img.tar"
# echo "PEPR_TAR=${PEPR_TAR}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# docker image save --output "$PEPR_TAR" pepr:dev
# - name: upload image tar artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@834a144ee995460fba8ed112a2fc961b36a5ec5a # v4.3.6
# with:
# name: pepr-img.tar
# path: pepr-img.tar
# retention-days: 1
# soak-test:
# name: soak-test
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs:
# - pepr-build
# steps:
# - name: Harden Runner
# uses: step-security/harden-runner@5c7944e73c4c2a096b17a9cb74d65b6c2bbafbde # v2.9.1
# with:
# egress-policy: audit
# - uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7
# - name: "install k3d"
# run: "curl -s | bash"
# shell: bash
# - name: dowload image tar artifact
# uses: actions/download-artifact@fa0a91b85d4f404e444e00e005971372dc801d16 # v4.1.8
# with:
# name: pepr-img.tar
# path: ${{ github.workspace }}
# - name: import pepr image from tar
# run: |
# PEPR_TAR="${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/pepr-img.tar"
# echo "PEPR_TAR=${PEPR_TAR}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# docker image load --input "$PEPR_TAR"
# - name: Create k3d Cluster
# run: "k3d cluster create"
# shell: bash
# - name: Import pepr image into k3d
# run: "k3d image import pepr:dev -c k3s-default"
# shell: bash
# - name: Install istioctl
# run: |
# curl -L | sh -
# shell: bash
# - name: Install default profile
# run: |
# cd istio*/bin
# ./istioctl install --set profile=demo -y
# - name: Set up Kubernetes
# uses: azure/setup-kubectl@3e0aec4d80787158d308d7b364cb1b702e7feb7f # v4.0.0
# with:
# version: 'latest'
# - name: Create logs directory
# run: mkdir -p logs
# - name: Deploy applications
# run: |
# kubectl apply -f hack/
# kubectl apply -f hack/
# - name: Wait for 15 minutes before starting pod checks
# run: |
# sleep 10s
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready -n istio-system pod -l istio=pilot
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready -n istio-system pod -l app=istio-ingressgateway
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready -n watch-auditor pod -l app=watch-auditor
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready -n pepr-system pod -l app=pepr-soak-ci-watcher
# - name: Run the soak test and collect metrics
# run: |
# # Initialize the map to store pod counts
# declare -A pod_map
# update_pod_map() {
# for pod in $(kubectl get pods -n pepr-demo -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}'); do
# count=${pod_map[$pod]}
# if [ -z "$count" ]; then
# pod_map[$pod]=1
# else
# pod_map[$pod]=$((count + 1))
# fi
# done
# }
# touch logs/auditor-log.txt
# touch logs/informer-log.txt
# update_pod_map
# collect_metrics() {
# kubectl exec metrics-collector -n watch-auditor -- curl watch-auditor:8080/metrics | grep watch_controller_failures_total > logs/auditor-log.txt
# kubectl exec metrics-collector -n watch-auditor -- curl -k https://pepr-soak-ci-watcher.pepr-system.svc.cluster.local/metrics | egrep -E "pepr_cache_miss|pepr_resync_failure_count" > logs/informer-log.txt
# }
# # Start collecting metrics every 5 minutes and checking pod counts every 30 minutes
# for i in {1..27}; do # 27 iterations cover 135 minutes (2 hours and 15 minutes)
# collect_metrics
# cat logs/informer-log.txt
# cat logs/auditor-log.txt
# if [ $((i % 6)) -eq 0 ]; then # Every 30 minutes
# update_pod_map
# # Verify that no pod's count exceeds 1
# for pod in "${!pod_map[@]}"; do
# if [ "${pod_map[$pod]}" -gt 1 ]; then
# echo "Test failed: Pod $pod has count ${pod_map[$pod]}"
# exit 1
# fi
# done
# fi
# sleep 300s # Sleep for 5 minutes before the next iteration
# done
# echo "Soak test passed successfully!"
# shell: bash
# - name: Upload logs
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@834a144ee995460fba8ed112a2fc961b36a5ec5a # v4.3.6
# with:
# name: soak-test-logs
# path: logs