To build JSI-Toolkit, you need the following dependencies installed:
- Python 2.7
- CMake >= 3.5
- DynInst >= 10.0.0
- Libunwind
- GCC >= 12.3.0
- Libdwarf
- MPI (Should be fit to the MPI the target cluster used)
- OTF2 3.0.3
- Boost 1.86.0
- range-v3 0.12.0
- sqlite 3.40.1
- fmt 10.2.1
- spdlog 1.14.1
- magic-enum 0.9.6
For convenience, you can build and install the dependencies via spack:
git clone
. ./spack/share/spack/
spack install dyninst papi libunwind otf2
spack install [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
spack load dyninst papi libunwind otf2
spack load [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
cd ..
Libdwarf need to be installed manually (e.g., version 0.11.1). You can get instructions from:
cd libdwarf-x.x.x
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=<path-to-install> --enable-shared
make -j
make install
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<path-to-libdwarf>/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
git clone
# the compiled binaries and libraries are installed in install/
Load the environment to use the installed JSI-Toolkit:
# make sure we are in the root directory of this repo
cd JSI-Toolkit
# load the environment variables
export OTF2_PATH=<path-to-otf2>
To use JSI Toolkit, you neet to complete each step of the Build & Install Usage:
jsirun -o <measurement directory> --backtrace -- <EXE> <ARGS>
# -o DIR
# PATH_DIR: the path of output file you want
# --backtrace:
# enable the backtrace function
The following parameters of jsirun
need to be set:
: Enable sampling module adds the sampling dynamic library to theLD_PRELOAD
environment variable.--events <(string)PMU events>
: Define the PMU events to be collected.--samp_interval <(double)interval while sampling>
: Sampling time interval, in seconds, expressed as a float number.-- <target program> <args>
: Target program.
Example startup command line is as follows:
$JSI-Toolkit/install/bin/jsirun --enable_sample --samp_interval 1.2 --samp_events PAPI_TOT_INS,PAPI_TOT_CYC -- <target program> <args>
Read the measurement directory generated by jsirun and generate chrome tracing file with dependancy graph annotation.
graph_analysis [OPTION...]
-f, --force Force to overwrite the output file if already exists.
-h, --help Print help
-i, --input arg Input measurement directory generated by jsirun
-o, --output arg Output file to store the chrome trace json outputs
(default: timeline.json)
The generated JSON output can be opened by chrome tracing tool (chrome://tracing
or edge://tracing
for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge).
Read the measurement directory generated by jsirun and generate variance analysis results.
variance_analysis [OPTION...]
-f, --force Force to overwrite the output file if already exists.
-h, --help Print help
-i, --input arg Input measurement directory generated by jsirun
-o, --output arg Output directory to store the variance csv outputs.
(default: variance)
The generated csv outputs are located in a output directory specified in -o
, which can be further processed to generate heatmap figures with the script located in script/analysis/variance/
usage: [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT] [--time TIME]
Draw heatmap from csv generated by variance_anaylsis.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT the variance directory containing csv generated by variance_analysis
--output OUTPUT output directory
--time TIME time threshold (ms) to cutoff the variance heatmap. 0 for full trace.
Convert jsi-format records to OTF2
jsiextract [OPTION...]
-b, --backtrace Read backtrace information
-e, --event_file arg events that need to extract
-h, --help Print help
-l, --line_info_dump arg Input line info directory dumped by
-i, --input arg Input measurement directory generated by
-o, --output arg Output directory to store the readable
outputs (default: readable)
-t, --time_offset arg Time offset of starting timestamps(ms).
Default is 0 (default: 0)
--interval_length arg Time interval length of the trace (ms).
Default is -1(inf). (default: -1)
-n, --number_of_events arg Number of events per rank. Default is -1(inf)
(default: -1)
// events.txt
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