Gracefully handles EC2 scaling events. Lifecycled is designed to run on an AWS EC2 instance and listen for various state change mechanisms:
When a termination notice is received, lifecycled runs a user-provided script (called a handler) and then proceeds with the shutdown. This script can be used to gracefully terminate any daemons you have running.
Either install with go get -u
or download a binary release for Linux or Windows. Install into /usr/bin/lifecycled
# Install the binary
curl -Lf -o /usr/bin/lifecycled \${VERSION}/lifecycled-linux-amd64
chmod +x /usr/bin/lifecycled
# Install the systemd service
touch /etc/lifecycled
curl -Lf -o /etc/systemd/system/lifecycled.service \${VERSION}/init/systemd/lifecycled.unit
Assuming your custom handler script is in /usr/local/bin/
and you've got an SNS topic for your EC2 Lifecycle Hooks, you would configure /etc/lifecycled
Then start the daemon with:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable lifecycled
systemctl start lifecycled
systemctl status lifecycled
Handler scripts are used for things like shutting down services that need some time to shutdown. Any example script that shuts down a service and waits for it to shutdown might look like:
set -euo pipefail
function await_shutdown() {
echo -n "Waiting for $1..."
while systemctl is-active $1 > /dev/null; do
sleep 1
echo "Done!"
systemctl stop myservice.service
await_shutdown myservice.service
The handler script is passed the event that was received and the instance id, e.g autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING i-001405f0fc67e3b12
for lifecycle events, or ec2:SPOT_INSTANCE_TERMINATION i-001405f0fc67e3b12 2015-01-05T18:02:00Z
in the case of a spot termination.
See Licence (MIT)