BKC Vault address : BEuyxRBirfRSohgJvwePDVteBdcmtJzTd6
wBKC contract address(on matic) : 0x5BCda6E59262A96a599Ea938c9B679714c105Bba
wBKC contract address(on BSC) : 0x
username | public key BKC | public key matic | contact |
krlnokrl/yoyois | BEuyxRBirfRSohgJvwePDVteBdcmtJzTd6 | 0x634Ca4029B7a8441d07b2cB9FEe9e3957681c1D1 | discord yoyois#5820 |
Between 32.13.2069 - 32.13.2069
Create a signed message using your BKC address cointainting your MATIC address and the amount of BKC you want to wrap
0x123456789abcdef0000 100000BKC
Submit the exact funds to 9XXXXXX address. (the BKC Vault)
Submit the BKC address, txid, message and generated signature on discord bkc channel.
Hello, I want to wrap my 100000BKC:
Message: 0x123456789abcdef0000 100000BKC
Sig: H7e0FleDqnF80DITo8LKDSq0dPEAHxoRAEMKs2yttiDzcJZnBmxw98Vrdjc305BmJwLUR+iRX2X1m7d1bUSTtyM=
TxID: 4e09800b327d870a0000000000b55b8ecec5be0bbd289000000009959f04001a
- Wait for confirmation from one of the mods?
- Receive promised signed message?
Minimum amount of wrapping is 1k BKC