Step 1
Changed into qb-doorlock/config.lua
Replace with these line no 53 to 128
{ -- door pacific first door card b
objName = 409280169,
objCoords = vec3(272.642151, 219.898712, 97.317978),
textCoords = vec3(272.642151, 219.898712, 97.317978),
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
objYaw = 340.00024414062,
locked = true,
pickable = false,
distance = 1.5,
--door2 for pacific opened with thermite front near the card b door [door id 2]
objName = 409280169,
objCoords = vec3(270.103210, 212.922928, 97.317978),
textCoords = vec3(270.103210, 212.922928, 97.317978),
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
objYaw = 340.00024414062,
locked = true,
pickable = false,
distance = 1.5,
--door3 for pacific opened with thermite right near the vault door [door id 3]
objName = 409280169,
objCoords = vec3(250.564209, 233.399384, 97.317978),
textCoords = vec3(250.564209, 233.399384, 97.317978),
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
objYaw = 340.00024414062,
locked = true,
pickable = false,
distance = 1.5
-- door4 for pacific opened with thermite after passing the door near vault [door id 4]
objName = 409280169,
objCoords = vec3(244.558014, 216.897278, 97.317978),
textCoords = vec3(244.558014, 216.897278, 97.317978),
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
objYaw = 340.00024414062,
locked = true,
pickable = false,
distance = 1.5
-- Paleto Door 1 opened with security card A
objName = -2050208642,
objCoords = vec3(-100.241867, 6464.549316, 31.884604),
textCoords = vec3(-100.241867, 6464.549316, 31.884604),
objYaw = 225.00010681152,
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
locked = true,
pickable = false,
distance = 1.5
-- Paleto Door 2 opened with thermite
objName = 'v_ilev_cbankvaulgate02',
objCoords = vec3(-106.26, 6476.01, 31.98),
textCoords = vec3(-105.5, 6475.08, 31.99),
objYaw = -45.0,
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
locked = true,
pickable = false,
distance = 1.5
-- First Pacific Door opened with lockpick
objName = 643152522,
objCoords = vec3(225.646286, 228.886780, 97.323975),
textCoords = vec3(225.646286, 228.886780, 97.323975),
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
objYaw = 160.00025939941,
locked = true,
pickable = true,
distance = 1.5
-- Second Pacific Door opened with lockpick
objName = 643152522,
objCoords = vec3(229.890533, 227.342010, 97.323975),
textCoords = vec3(229.890533, 227.342010, 97.323975),
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
objYaw = 340.00024414062,
locked = true,
pickable = true,
distance = 1.5
Step 2 (optional) If want Replace Lockpick Minigame with cricle minigame i am using sexy ps-ui here is snippets
Replace Into qb-doorlock/client/main.lua Line no 486
RegisterNetEvent('lockpicks:UseLockpick', function(isAdvanced)
RegisterNetEvent('lockpicks:UseLockpick', function(isAdvanced)
if not or not next( or PlayerData.metadata['isdead'] or PlayerData.metadata['ishandcuffed'] or (not and not or not then return end
if success then
QBCore.Functions.Notify("Are you dumb? Go learn how to crack the door !", "success")
end, 4, 14) -- NumberOfCircles, MS
Dependency [ For Gabz Maps Not props showing in Vault Fix ] [ For Hacking Minigame ]