K-fold-m-step forward cross-validation is a new approach of evaluating extrapolation performance in materials property prediction. THe standard k-fold cross-validation falls short on evaluating the prediction performances of models in screening novel materials with desirable properties, wihch usually lie outside the domain of known materials. This project provides a comprehensive benchmarks studies on the extrapolation performances of a variety of prediction models on materials properties. Our results show even though current machine learning models can achieve good results when evaluated with standard cross-validation, their extrapolation power is actually very low as shown by our proposed kmFCV evaluation method and the proposed extrapolation accuracy.
This package requires:
In directory kmFCV
, you can test if all the prerequisites are met and show the help messages by:
python evaluation.py -h
If no error messages show up, it means that the prerequisites are installed properly.
In directory kmFCV
, run evaluation.py
to do cross-validation or forward cross-validation on benchmark datasets and models.
For example, without any arguments the pacakge uses the default ones to evaluate a random forest with magpie feature on Materials Project formation energy dataset:
python evaluation.py
All the options:
- --data-path, feature data path
- --demo, to enable the demo mode
- --dataset, dataset name {mp,supercon}
- --property, property to predict {formation_energy,band_gap,Tc}
- --feature, feature name {magpie,composition,ptr}
- --model, model to use {1nn,rf,mlp,cnn,cgcnn}
- --valiation, validation type {cv,fcv}
- -k, k fold value for cv and fcv
- -m, m step value for fcv
For example, you can evaluate Materials Project band gap dataset, using CNN model with PTR feature and 100 fold 2 step forward cross-validation, with demo mode enabled like this:
python evaluation.py --demo --dataset mp --feature ptr --model cnn --validation fcv -k 100 -m 2
After running, you will get three files in data/results
: stores the prediction results in csv..pkl
: stores the prediction results in pkl..png
: plots the prediction figure.
Also, the MAE, RMSE, R squared and expolation accuracy metrics will be stored in 'data/results/results.csv' file.