This repo holds the codes and models for the ContextLoc framework presented on ICCV 2021
Enriching Local and Global Contexts for Temporal Action Localization Zixin Zhu, Wei Tang, Le Wang*, Nanning Zheng, Gang Hua, ICCV 2021, Montreal, Canada.
The training and testing in ContextLoc based on PGCN is reimplemented in PyTorch for the ease of use.
Other minor Python modules can be installed by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
Clone this repo with git, please remember to use --recursive
git clone --recursive
We support experimenting with THUMOS14 datasets for temporal action detection.
- THUMOS14: We need the validation videos for training and testing videos for testing. You can download them from the THUMOS14 challenge website.
Here, we use the I3D features (RGB+Flow) of PGCN for training and testing.
THUMOS14: You can download it from Google Cloud or Baidu Cloud.
Plesse first set the path of features in data/dataset_cfg.yaml
Then, you can use the following commands to train ContextLoc
python thumos14 --snapshot_pre $PATH_TO_SAVE_MODEL
The training time of ContextLoc is long, please be patient to its completion.
After training, there will be a checkpoint file whose name contains the information about dataset and the number of epoch. This checkpoint file contains the trained model weights and can be used for testing.
You can obtain the detection scores by running
denotes for the trained model.
This script will report the detection performance in terms of mean average precision at different IoU thresholds.
Please first change the "result" file of RGB to the "RGB_result" file and change the "result" file of Flow to the ''Flow_result" file.
Then put them in the "results" folder.
You can obtain the two-stream results on THUMOS14 by running
Please cite the following paper if you feel ContextLoc useful to your research
author={Zixin Zhu and Wei Tang and Le Wang and Nanning Zheng and G. Hua},
title={Enriching Local and Global Contexts for Temporal Action Localization},
booktitle = {ICCV},
year = {2021},
For any question, please file an issue or contact
Zixin Zhu: [email protected]
Reference Software Projects: