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Adversarial Attack and Defense in Deep Ranking, arXiv:2106.03614


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RobRank: Adversarial Robustness in Deep Ranking

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Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, and so does deep ranking or deep metric learning models. The project RobRank aims to study the empirical adversarial robustness of deep ranking / metric learning models. Our contribution includes (1) the definition and implementation of two new adversarial attacks, namely candidate attack and query attack; (2) two adversarial defense methods (based on adversarial training) are proposed to improve model robustness against a wide range of attacks; (3) a comprehensive empirical robustness score for quantitatively assessing adversarial robustness. In particular, an "Anti-Collapse Triplet" defense method is newly introduced in RobRank, which achieves at least 60% and at most 540% improvement in adversarial robustness compared to the ECCV work. See the preprint manuscript for details.

RobRank codebase is extended from my previous ECCV'2020 work "Adversarial Ranking Attack and Defense," with a major code refactor. You may find most functionalities of the previous codebase in this repository as well.

Note, the project name is RobRank, instead of RobBank.

Preprint-Title: "Adversarial Attack and Defense in Deep Ranking"
Preprint-Authors: Mo Zhou, Le Wang, Zhenxing Niu, Qilin Zhang, Nanning Zheng, Gang Hua
Keywords: Deep {Ranking, Metric Learning}, Adversarial {Attack, Defense, Robustness}

Project Status: Actively maintained.
Install-RobRank-Python-Dependency: $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install-RobRank: $ python3 install (this is optional)

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Tables for Robustness Comparison

In the following tables, "N/A" denotes "no defense equipped"; EST is the defense proposed in the ECCV'2020 paper; ACT is the new defense in the preprint paper. These rows are sorted by ERS. I'm willing to add other DML defenses for comparison in these tables.

Dataset Model Loss Defense R@1 R@2 mAP NMI ERS
MNIST C2F2 Triplet N/A 99.0 99.4 98.7 84.7 13.3
MNIST C2F2 Triplet EST 98.3 99.0 91.3 80.7 40.5
MNIST C2F2 Triplet ACT 98.6 99.1 98.1 86.4 78.6
Dataset Model Loss Defense R@1 R@2 mAP NMI ERS
Fashion C2F2 Triplet N/A 87.6 92.7 84.9 77.8 4.5
Fashion C2F2 Triplet EST 78.6 86.8 64.6 64.9 36.4
Fashion C2F2 Triplet ACT 79.4 87.9 71.6 69.6 67.7
Dataset Model Loss Defense R@1 R@2 mAP NMI ERS
CUB RN18 Triplet N/A 53.9 66.4 26.1 59.5 3.8
CUB RN18 Triplet EST 8.5 13.0 2.6 25.2 5.3
CUB RN18 Triplet ACT 27.5 38.2 12.2 43.0 33.9
Dataset Model Loss Defense R@1 R@2 mAP NMI ERS
CARS RN18 Triplet N/A 62.5 74.0 23.8 57.0 3.6
CARS RN18 Triplet EST 30.7 41.0 5.6 31.8 7.3
CARS RN18 Triplet ACT 43.4 56.5 11.8 42.9 38.6
Dataset Model Loss Defense R@1 R@2 mAP NMI ERS
SOP RN18 Triplet N/A 62.9 68.5 39.2 87.4 4.0
SOP RN18 Triplet EST 46.0 51.4 24.5 84.7 31.7
SOP RN18 Triplet ACT 47.5 52.6 25.5 84.9 50.8

1. Common Usage of CLI

Python library RobRank provides these functionalities: (1) training classification or ranking (deep metric learning) models, either vanilla or defensive; (2) perform adversarial attack against the trained models; (3) perform batched adversarial attack. See below for detailed usage.

You can always specify the GPUs to use by export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<GPUs>.

1.1. Training

Training deep metric learning model or classification model, either normally or adversarially. As pytorch-lightning is used by this project, the training process will automatically use DistributedDataParallel when more than one GPU are available.

python3 bin/ -C <dataset>:<model>:<loss>


  • dataset (for all available datasets see robrank/datasets/
    • mnist, fashion, cub, cars, sop (for deep metric learning)
    • mnist, cifar10 (for classification)
  • model (for all available models see robrank/models/
    • rres18: resnet 18 for deep metric learning (DML)
    • rres18d: resnet 18 for DML with EST defense
    • rres18p: resnet 18 for DML with ACT defense
  • loss (for all available losses see robrank/losses/
    • ptripletN: triplet using Normalized Euclidean with SPC-2 batch.
    • ce: cross-entropy for classification

For example:

python3 bin/ -C mnist:cc2f2:ce --do_test
python3 bin/ -C mnist:rc2f2:ptripletN
python3 bin/ -C mnist:rc2f2p:ptripletN
python3 bin/ -C cub:rres18:ptripletN
python3 bin/ -C cub:rres18p:ptripletN


  1. export FAISS_CPU=1 to disable NMI score calculation on GPU. This could save a little bit of video memory of you encounter CUDA OOM.

1.2. Adversarial Attack

Script bin/ is the entrance for conducting adversarial attacks against a trained model. For example, to conduct CA (w=1) with several manually specified PGD parameters, you can do it as follows:

python3 bin/ -v -A CA:pm=+:W=1:eps=0.30196:alpha=0.011764:pgditer=32 -C <xxx.ckpt>

where xxx.ckpt is the path to the trained model (saved as a pytorch-lightning checkpoint). The arguments specific to adversarial attacks are joined with a colon ":" in order to avoid lengthy python code based argparse module.

Please browse the bash scripts under the tools/ directory for examples of other types of attacks discussed in the paper.

1.3. Batched Adversarial Attack

Script bin/ is used for conducting a batch of attacks against a specified model (pytorch-lightning checkpoint), automatically. And it will save the output in json format as <model_ckpt>.ckpt.<swipe_profile>.json. Available swipe_profile includes rob28, rob224 for ERS score; and pami28, pami224 for CA and QA in various settings. A full list of possible profiles can be found in robrank/ You can even customize the code and create your own profile for batched evaluation.

python3 bin/ -p rob28 -C logs_fashion-rc2f2-ptripletN/.../xxx.ckpt

Currently only single-GPU mode is supported. When the batched attack is finished, the script tools/ can display the content of resulting json files and calculate the corresponding ERS.

2. Project Information

2.1. Directory Hierarchy

(the following directory tree is manually edited and annotated)
├── requirements.txt              Python deps (`pip install -r ...txt`)
├── bin/                  Entrance script for training models.
├── bin/                Entrance script for adversarial ranking.
├── bin/                  Entrance script for batched attack.
├── robrank                       RobRank library.
│   ├── attacks                   Attack Implementations.
│   │   └── advrank*.py           Adversarial ranking attack (ECCV'2020).
│   ├── defenses/*                Defense Implementations.
│   ├── configs/*                 Configurations (incl. hyper-parameters).
│   ├── datasets/*                Dataset classes.
│   ├── models                    Models and base classes.
│   │   ├──  Base class for classification models.
│   │   ├──    Base class for Classification+DML models.
│   │   └──      Base class for DML/ranking models.
│   ├── losses/*                  Deep metric learning loss functions.
│   ├──                Command line interface implementation.
│   └──                  Miscellaneous utilities.
└── tools/*                       Miscellaneous tools for experiments.

2.2. Tested Platform

Tested Software:

OS: Debian unstable (May 2021), Ubuntu LTS
Python: 3.8.5 (anaconda)
PyTorch: 1.7.1, 1.8.1

Mainly Tested Hardware:

CPU: Intel Xeon 6226R
GPU: Nvidia RTX3090 (24GB)

With 8 RTX3090 GPUs, most experiments can be finished within 1 day. With older configurations (such as 4* GTX1080Ti), most experiments can be finished within 3 days, including adversarial training.

Memory requirement: 12GB video memory is required for adversarial training of RN18, Mnas, and IBN. Additionally, adversarial training of RN50 requires 24GB.

2.3. Dataset Preparation

The default data path setting for any dataset can be found in robrank/configs/

MNIST and Fashion-MNIST are downloaded using torchvision. The helper script bin/ can download and extract the two datasets for you. CUB-200-2011, Cars-196, and Stanford Online Products can be downloaded from their correspoding websites (and then manually extracted).

2.4. References and Bibtex

If you found the paper/code useful/inspiring, please consider citing my work:

      title={Adversarial Attack and Defense in Deep Ranking}, 
      author={Mo Zhou and Le Wang and Zhenxing Niu and Qilin Zhang and Nanning Zheng and Gang Hua},

Bibtex of M. Zhou, et al. "Adversarial Ranking Attack and Defense," ECCV'2020. can be found in the linked page.

Reference Software Projects:


Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Mo Zhou <[email protected]>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Adversarial Attack and Defense in Deep Ranking, arXiv:2106.03614







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