Make sure modules such as mongoDB, neo4j, pandas, sqlalchemy, py2neo, mysql.connector, seaborn, networkx, sklearn, wordcloud, etc. are installed, if not install them using pip.
First set up the databases.
To set up the Mongodb database, run python
To set up the MySQL database, run mysql_table_creation.sql in MySQL Workbench or an equivalent. Make sure there is a database called team1 first, otherwise create one. Then run python
To set up the Neo4j database, create a new Project in Neo4j Desktop. Set the password for the DBMS to 123456. Go to plugins and install APOC.
Then, click "..." -> Open Folder -> Configuration, create a new file in the config folder called apoc.conf and add the following 2 lines:
Afterwards, restart the database. After the database restarts, click "..." -> Open Folder -> Import, add the sample_data.json file to the import folder.
Finally, run python
NOTE: Keep the Neo4j database running in the background or most Neo4j features will not work.
To run the dashboard, run python, then open http://localhost:8050/ or equivalently: