Pintos is a simple operating system framework for the 80x86 architecture. It supports kernel threads, loading and running user programs, and a file system, but it implements all of these in a very simple way. This assignment was used in MIT as a part of OS course.
Doing this as an assigments would give you a clear idea on the various topics in OS. This guide will take you through how to install Pintos in your native Ubuntu machine. Pintos is a very small operating system and can run it on a virtual machine. The tutorial will be using Qemu to run Pintos.
Once you are finished setting up the Pintos you can start working on your assignments.
Step 1: Install Qemu
If you are using Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install qemu
Step 2: Download Pintos
Download Pintos from here. Extract it in your home folder. Eg: /home/username/os. 'username' is your $HOME folder
Now open the script ‘pintos-gdb’ (in $HOME/os/pintos/src/utils) in any text editor. Find the variable GDBMACROS and set it to point to ‘$HOME/os/pintos/src/misc/gdb-macros’.
Your 'gdb-macros' file will contain GDBMACROS=/home/username/os/pintos/src/misc/gdb-macros
Step 4: Compiling utilities
Go to /home/pintos/os/src/utils: cd /home/username/os/pintos/src/utils
And compile utilities folder: make
If this preoduces an error: Undefined reference to ‘floor'
then edit “Makefile” in the current directory and replace LDFLAGS = -lm
by LDLIBS = -lm
and compile again.