Recall your SSH sessions
Run one of the following script, or download the latest binary from the releases page.
# Unix based
curl | sh
# Windows
powershell -c "irm | iex"
# Go
go install
# Use it just like you're using SSH
ggh [email protected]
ggh [email protected] -p2440
# Run it with no arguments to get interactive list of the previous sessions
# Run it with - to get interactive list of all of your ~/.ssh/config listing
ggh -
# Run it with - STRING to get interactive filtered list of your ~/.ssh/config listing
ggh - stage
ggh - meta-servers
# To get non-interactive list of history and config, run
ggh --config
ggh --history
In fact, GGH won't work if SSH is not installed or isn't available in your system's path.
GGH is meant to act as a lightweight, fast wrapper around your SSH commands.