Is how it feels
Budding programmer with high affinity towards framework as well as from-scratch programming. djqsewypaditgwvz
django-webapp Public
Django framework based web app with bootstrap enriched web pages and a connection with Alpha vantage API.
HTML UpdatedMar 15, 2024 -
process-scheduling-in-c Public
Process scheduling algorithms implemented in c language: FCFS, SJF, Priority, Round Robin (non-preemptive)
c operating-system cpu-scheduling non-preemptive operating-system-algorithms round-robin-scheduling fcfs-process-schedulingC UpdatedSep 16, 2023 -
page-replacement-in-c Public
Page replacement algorithms implemented in c language: FIFO, LRU, Optimal, MFU, LFU, Second chance
disk-scheduling-in-c Public
disk scheduling algorithms implemented in c language: FCFS, SSTF, SCAN C-SCAN
c operating-system disk-scheduling-algorithms operating-system-algorithms fcfs-scheduling scan-scheduling cscan-schedulingC UpdatedSep 16, 2023