If you are looking for a CSP reporting tool, please check out https://csper.io .
Caspr is a Content-Security-Policy report endpoint, aggregator, and analyzer.
It contains three parts:
- A Content-Security-Report report endpoint for collecting reports
- A RESTful API for interacting / downloading reports
- A web app for analyzing reports
Either use Heroku, or to install manually, install NodeJS/npm/MongoDB(>2.6).
git clone https://github.com/c0nrad/caspr.git
cd caspr
npm install
forever bin/www
$> node bin/www --help
Usage: node www [options]
-p, --port Port to run http caspr [3000]
--ssl Run ssl on port 443 [false]
--sslKeyFile SSL key file for ssl [./bin/certs/key.pem]
--sslCertFile SSL certificate file for ssl [./bin/certs/cert.pem]
--cappedCollectionSize Size of report collection in bytes [0]
To use caspr with SSL, set sslKeyFIle and sslCertFile to the location of your cert and private key file on disk with --sslKeyFile
and --sslCertFIle
forever bin/www --ssl --sslKeyFile /var/certs/key.pem --sslCertFile /var/certs/cert.pem
MongoDB supports capped collections, meaning you can specifiy a maximum size for the reports collection in your DB.
For my own deployments I usually set it around 1GB, but on Heroku the maximum size of the free version is .5GB.
To use capped collections, either set it manually or pass the size in bytes you'd like the reports collection to be.
forever bin/www --capped 500000000 // .5GB
use caspr
db.runCommand({convertToCapped: 'reports', size: 500000000 })
All reports are stored within MongoDB. So a script such as the following can be used to dump all reports into a json file
cursor = db.getSiblingDB('caspr').reports.find();
while ( cursor.hasNext() ) {
printjson( cursor.next() );
mongo dump.js > dump.json