helm repo add --force-update codezero https://charts.codezero.io
helm install --create-namespace --namespace=codezero \
--set space.name='<TEAMSPACE NAME>' \
--set org.id='<ORG_ID>' \
--set org.apikey='<ORG_API_KEY>' \
codezero codezero/codezero
helm repo add --force-update codezero https://charts.codezero.io
helm upgrade --namespace=codezero codezero codezero/codezero
helm -n codezero uninstall codezero
kubectl delete ns codezero
Name | Default | Description |
org.apikey |
"" |
Your Organization API Key |
org.id |
"" |
Your Organization ID |
opa.url |
"" |
URL of your Open Policy Agent |
opa.enabled |
false |
If true enable OPA |
router.privilegedAccess |
false |
If true router pods are deployed with an empty securityContext |
router.replicas |
1 |
Number of replicas for router deployments on Serves |
router.topologySpreadConstraints |
[] |
Pod Topology Spread Constraints of router deployments |
space.name |
"" |
Name of Teamspace |
spaceagent.externalHost |
"" |
For cases where codezero's loadbalancer host is not public and custom networking/ingress is used to make the spaceagent publicly accessible |
spaceagent.replicas |
1 |
Number of replicas for the Space Agent deployment` |
spaceagent.redis.secret |
"" |
Required when spaceagent.replicas is greater than 1. Name of the K8s Secret that contains the Redis connection parameters with the following data keys: host , password . The Secret must be in the Space Agent's namespace. |
spaceagent.service.annotations |
{} |
Set annotations for the spaceagent service, e.g. to set cloud provider specific annotations for loadbalancer creation. |
spaceagent.service.loadBalancerIP |
"" |
Sets the IP address for the spaceagent service. If the IP address is the public IP for contacting the spaceagent set spaceagent.externalHost to the same value |
spaceagent.topologySpreadConstraints |
[] |
Pod Topology Spread Constraints of Space Agent deployment |