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Add DG discretizations for LRM, LRMP and GRM
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jbreue16 committed Apr 22, 2024
1 parent 59806c0 commit a237c6e
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Showing 36 changed files with 17,535 additions and 37 deletions.
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ jobs:
nuget install -Version 2023.0.0.25930
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile
7z x
- name: Build UMFPACK and HDF5
- name: Build UMFPACK and HDF5 and Eigen3
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
$base_dir = $($env:BASE_DIR.Replace('\', '/'))
Expand All @@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ jobs:
$ENV:MKLROOT="${env:BASE_DIR}/".Replace('\', '/')
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${base_dir}\suitesparse\install" -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp_seq -DBLA_STATIC=ON -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="/GL" -DCMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS="/LTCG" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_METIS=OFF ..\suitesparse-metis-for-windows-e8d953dffb8a99aa8b65ff3ff03e12a3ed72f90c\
ninja install
cd "${env:BASE_DIR}"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile
7z x -oeigen\code -y
cd eigen
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../code/eigen-3.4.0 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../install"
cmake --build . --target install
- name: Build and Install
run: |
cd "${env:BASE_DIR}"
Expand All @@ -78,6 +86,7 @@ jobs:
$ENV:MKLROOT="${env:BASE_DIR}/".Replace('\', '/')
$ENV:TBB_ROOT="${env:BASE_DIR}/".Replace('\', '/')
$ENV:UMFPACK_ROOT="${env:BASE_DIR}/suitesparse/install".Replace('\', '/')
$ENV:Eigen3_DIR="${env:BASE_DIR}/eigen/install".Replace('\', '/')
$install_prefix = $($env:INSTALL_PREFIX.Replace('\', '/'))
$src_dir = $($env:SRC_DIR.Replace('\', '/'))
$base_dir = $($env:BASE_DIR.Replace('\', '/'))
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ add_feature_info(ENABLE_DEBUG_THREADING ENABLE_DEBUG_THREADING "Use multi-thread
option(ENABLE_GRM_2D "Build 2D general rate model" ON)
add_feature_info(ENABLE_GRM_2D ENABLE_GRM_2D "Build 2D general rate model")

option(ENABLE_DG "Build DG variants of models" ON)
add_feature_info(ENABLE_DG ENABLE_DG "Build DG variants of models")

option(ENABLE_SUNDIALS_OPENMP "Prefer OpenMP vector implementation of SUNDIALS if available (for large problems)" OFF)
add_feature_info(ENABLE_SUNDIALS_OPENMP ENABLE_SUNDIALS_OPENMP "Prefer OpenMP vector implementation of SUNDIALS if available (for large problems)")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,6 +397,21 @@ if (ENABLE_GRM_2D)

find_package(Eigen3 3.4 NO_MODULE)

# Disable DG if Eigen is not present
if (NOT TARGET Eigen3::Eigen)
message(STATUS "Disabling DG support because Eigen3 could not be found")
set(EIGEN_TARGET "Eigen3::Eigen")
get_target_property(Eigen3_INCLUDE_DIRS Eigen3::Eigen INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
include_directories(${Eigen3_INCLUDE_DIRS} "${Eigen3_INCLUDE_DIRS}/..")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,6 +610,14 @@ if (ENABLE_GRM_2D)

message("Found Eigen3: ${Eigen3_FOUND}")
if (TARGET Eigen3::Eigen)
message(" Version ${Eigen3_VERSION}")
message(" Includes ${Eigen3_INCLUDE_DIRS}")

message("Found HDF5: ${HDF5_FOUND}")
message(" Version ${HDF5_VERSION}")
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/interface/sensitivities.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Group /input/sensitivity/param_XXX


Name of the parameter
Name of the parameter (Note that ``PAR_RADIUS`` and ``PAR_CORE_RADIUS`` sensitivities are only available for Finite Volume discretization)

================ ===========================
**Type:** string **Length:** :math:`\geq 1`
Expand Down
107 changes: 103 additions & 4 deletions doc/interface/unit_operations/general_rate_model.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -454,21 +454,28 @@ For information on model equations, refer to :ref:`general_rate_model_model`.
================ ======================== =============================================================================

Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE - GENERAL_RATE_MODEL

Discretization Methods

CADET has two discretization frameworks available, Finite Volumes (FV) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG), only one needs to be specified. Both methods approximate the same solution to the same underlying model but can differ regarding computational performance.

Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE - GENERAL_RATE_MODEL
Finite Volumes (Default)


Number of axial column discretization cells
Number of axial column discretization points

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Number of particle (radial) discretization cells for each particle type
Number of particle (radial) discretization points for each particle type

============= ========================= =================================================
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** :math:`1` / :math:`\texttt{NPARTYPE}`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,3 +563,95 @@ Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE - GENERAL_RATE_MODEL

For further discretization parameters, see also :ref:`flux_restruction_methods`, and :ref:`non_consistency_solver_parameters`.

Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE - GENERAL_RATE_MODEL_DG
Discontinuous Galerkin


DG polynomial degree. Optional, defaults to 4. The total number of axial discrete points is given by (``POLYDEG`` + 1 ) * ``NCOL``.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Number of axial column discretization DG cells\elements. The total number of axial discrete points is given by (``POLYDEG`` + 1 ) * ``NCOL``.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Specifies the DG integration method. Optional, defaults to 0: Choose 1 for exact integration (more accurate but slower), 0 for LGL quadrature (less accurate but faster, typically more performant).

============= =========================== =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, 1\}` **Length:** 1
============= =========================== =============


Number of particle types. Optional, inferred from the length of :math:`\texttt{NPAR}` or :math:`\texttt{NBOUND}` if left out.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


DG particle (radial) polynomial degree. Optional, defaults to 3. The total number of particle (radial) discrete points is given by (``PARPOLYDEG`` + 1 ) * ``NPARCELL``.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Number of particle (radial) discretization DG cells for each particle type. For the particle discretization, it is usually most performant to fix ``NPARCELL`` = 1 and to increase the polynomial degree for more accuracy.

============= ========================= =================================================
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** :math:`1` / :math:`\texttt{NPARTYPE}`
============= ========================= =================================================


Number of bound states for each component

============= ========================= ==================================
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 0` **Length:** :math:`\texttt{NCOMP}`
============= ========================= ==================================


Specifies the particle geometry for all or each particle type. Valid values are :math:`\texttt{SPHERE}`, :math:`\texttt{CYLINDER}`, :math:`\texttt{SLAB}`. Optional, defaults to :math:`\texttt{SPHERE}`.

================ =================================================
**Type:** string **Length:** :math:`1` / :math:`\texttt{NPARTYPE}`
================ =================================================


Specifies the discretization scheme inside the particles for all or each particle type. Valid values are :math:`\texttt{EQUIDISTANT_PAR}`, :math:`\texttt{EQUIVOLUME_PAR}`, and :math:`\texttt{USER_DEFINED_PAR}`.

================ =================================================
**Type:** string **Length:** :math:`1` / :math:`\texttt{NPARTYPE}`
================ =================================================


Node coordinates for the cell boundaries (ignored if :math:`\texttt{PAR_DISC_TYPE} \neq \texttt{USER_DEFINED_PAR}`). The coordinates are relative and have to include the endpoints :math:`0` and :math:`1`. They are later linearly mapped to the true radial range :math:`[r_{c,j}, r_{p,j}]`. The coordinates for each particle type are appended to one long vector in type-major ordering.

================ ======================== ================================================
**Type:** double **Range:** :math:`[0,1]` **Length:** :math:`\sum_i (\texttt{NPAR}_i + 1)`
================ ======================== ================================================


Determines whether analytically computed Jacobian matrix (faster) is used (value is 1) instead of Jacobians generated by algorithmic differentiation (slower, value is 0)

============= =========================== =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, 1\}` **Length:** 1
============= =========================== =============
56 changes: 54 additions & 2 deletions doc/interface/unit_operations/lumped_rate_model_with_pores.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -247,13 +247,19 @@ For information on model equations, refer to :ref:`lumped_rate_model_with_pores_
================ ======================== =======================================================================

Discretization Methods

CADET has two discretization frameworks available, Finite Volumes (FV) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG), only one needs to be specified. Both methods approximate the same solution to the same underlying model but can differ regarding computational performance.

Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE = LUMPED_RATE_MODEL_WITH_PORES
Finite Volumes (Default)


Number of axial column discretization cells
Number of axial column discretization points

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,3 +314,49 @@ Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE = LUMPED_RATE_MODEL_WITH_
================ ========================= =============

For further discretization parameters, see also :ref:`flux_restruction_methods`, and :ref:`non_consistency_solver_parameters`.

Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE = LUMPED_RATE_MODEL_WITH_PORES_DG
Discontinuous Galerkin


DG polynomial degree. Optional, defaults to 4. The total number of axial discrete points is given by (``POLYDEG`` + 1 ) * ``NCOL``.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Number of axial column discretization DG cells\elements. The total number of axial discrete points is given by (``POLYDEG`` + 1 ) * ``NCOL``.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Specifies the DG integration method. Optional, defaults to 0: Choose 1 for exact integration (more accurate but slower), 0 for LGL quadrature (less accurate but faster, typically more performant).

============= =========================== =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, 1\}` **Length:** 1
============= =========================== =============


Number of bound states for each component

============= ========================= ==================================
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 0` **Length:** :math:`\texttt{NCOMP}`
============= ========================= ==================================


Determines whether analytically computed Jacobian matrix (faster) is used (value is 1) instead of Jacobians generated by algorithmic differentiation (slower, value is 0)

============= =========================== =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, 1\}` **Length:** 1
============= =========================== =============
48 changes: 45 additions & 3 deletions doc/interface/unit_operations/lumped_rate_model_without_pores.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,13 +141,19 @@ For information on model equations, refer to :ref:`lumped_rate_model_without_por
================ ===================== =============

Discretization Methods

CADET has two discretization frameworks available, Finite Volumes (FV) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG), only one needs to be specified. Both methods approximate the same solution to the same underlying model but can differ regarding computational performance.

Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE = LUMPED_RATE_MODEL_WITHOUT_PORES

Finite Volumes (Default)


Number of axial column discretization cells
Number of axial column discretization points

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
Expand All @@ -163,11 +169,47 @@ Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE = LUMPED_RATE_MODEL_WITHO


Type of reconstruction method for fluxes
Type of reconstruction method for fluxes only (only needs to be specified for FV)

================ ================================ =============
**Type:** string **Range:** :math:`\texttt{WENO}` **Length:** 1
================ ================================ =============

For further discretization parameters, see also :ref:`flux_restruction_methods`, and :ref:`non_consistency_solver_parameters`.

Group /input/model/unit_XXX/discretization - UNIT_TYPE = LUMPED_RATE_MODEL_WITHOUT_PORES_DG
Discontinuous Galerkin


DG polynomial degree. Optional, defaults to 4. The total number of axial discrete points is given by (``POLYDEG`` + 1 ) * ``NCOL``.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Number of axial column discretization DG cells\elements. The total number of axial discrete points is given by (``POLYDEG`` + 1 ) * ``NCOL``.

============= ========================= =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1
============= ========================= =============


Specifies the DG integration method. Optional, defaults to 0: Choose 1 for exact integration (more accurate but slower), 0 for LGL quadrature (less accurate but faster, typically more performant).

============= =========================== =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, 1\}` **Length:** 1
============= =========================== =============


Determines whether analytically computed Jacobian matrix (faster) is used (value is 1) instead of Jacobians generated by algorithmic differentiation (slower, value is 0)

============= =========================== =============
**Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, 1\}` **Length:** 1
============= =========================== =============
25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion doc/literature.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -436,4 +436,27 @@ @article{Jaepel2022
url = {},
author = {Ronald Colin Jäpel and Johannes Felix Buyel},

address = {Dordrecht},
author = {Kopriva, David A.},
series = {Scientific {Computation}},
title = {Implementing {Spectral} {Methods} for {Partial} {Differential} {Equations}: {Algorithms} for {Scientists} and {Engineers}},
isbn = {978-90-481-2260-8 978-90-481-2261-5},
shorttitle = {Implementing {Spectral} {Methods} for {Partial} {Differential} {Equations}},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-01-12},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
year = {2009},
doi = {},
title = {Spatial discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method for a family of chromatography models in CADET},
journal = {Computers \& Chemical Engineering},
volume = {177},
pages = {108340},
year = {2023},
issn = {0098-1354},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Jan Michael Breuer and Samuel Leweke and Johannes Schmölder and Gregor Gassner and Eric {von Lieres}},

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