VanUnits is a sophisticated SI units system. It also includes currency units and a large set of scientific constants.
Here are some examples of using the units system.
reqiure 'van/units' include Van::Units 1.bit/s + 8.bytes/s (1.bit/s).to(byte/s)**2)**2)
Van::Units is namespace for all unit related classes. Mixing this in has the additional effect of making Units.with_unit_converter available without the Units.
prefix, as well as the shortcuts for creating Units (see Van::Units#method_missing).
Also included are a large assortment of real world contants. These come in two varieties, typeless and typed via units.rb. (PLEASE NOTE: The typed variety is not yet complete).
Constants are also provided in both mks (m kg s) and in cgs (cm g s) format.
require 'van/units/constants/mks' require 'van/units/constants/cgs' include Van::Units::Constants MKS::SPEED_OF_LIGHT #=> 2.99792458e8 m/s CGS::SPEED_OF_LIGHT #=> 2.99792458e10 cm/s
Big thanks to Daniel Carrera and Brian Gough for their original work on Math::Constants from which these numbers derive.
Peter Vanbroekhoven
Thomas Sawyer
Daniel Carrera
Brian Gough
Copyright 2006, 2007 Peter Vanbroekhoven, Thomas Sawyer
Stick is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.