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Reviewing Purchase Requests

Annie Wang edited this page May 5, 2021 · 4 revisions

Audience: Admins

This guide walks through how to review (approve/deny) a purchase request.

The Status of a purchase request can either be:

  • Pending (not yet reviewed)
  • Approved (reviewed and approved by an admin user)
  • Denied (reviewed and denied by an admin user).

Note: only users with Admin access (where the Admin field is selected in Airtable) are authorized to review purchase requests in the app.

Note: purchase requests are designed to be submitted after completing the purchase. This is why the inventory's Current Quantity field is updated immediately after a purchase request is created rather than after it is reviewed. Therefore, approving or denying a request has no effect on the inventory item itself.

Review a request

  1. Log in as an admin user.
  2. Navigate to the Inventory tab through the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Select the All Purchases button on the top right.
    • You can also filter the list to only see Pending requests.
  4. Review the purchase request status by clicking the check button (approve) or X button (deny). You can do this by either:
    • directly clicking the icons for a purchase request from the list view OR
    • clicking on a purchase request in the list to see the detailed Inventory Receipt screen (including the username of the requester and the receipt image) and clicking the approve/deny icons on the top right.

Edit a request's status

To edit the status of a purchase request that has already been reviewed:

  1. When logged in as an admin user, navigate to the request page (either through the All Purchases list or through the history feed on the inventory profile).
  2. Click the pencil icon on the top right.
    • Note: this icon is only visible for admin users AND when the device is connected to a network.
  3. Click on the check or X icons to indicate the status you want to change it to, and click Save to save the changes.
  4. Once you return to the purchase request screen, you should see the request with the new status icon (check for approved, X for denied).

Note: the steps outlined above only allow you to edit a request status between approved/denied, so you cannot change a request that has already been reviewed to Pending. If you do need to change a request status to Pending, you will have to edit the record directly through Airtable.