The jCanvas website has been completely rewritten in JS using Astro for a more modern and powerful experience. Features and improvements include:
New Documentation Site
The jCanvas documentation site has been rebuilt using Astro and Starlight. New features and improvements include:
- Search functionality: you can search across the entire documentation by section or by content
- Theme switcher: you can choose how you'd like to read the documentation in terms of aesthetic, because readability counts (even in languages other than Python)!
- A 'Copy to Clipboard' button next to each code example
- Reliability of live demos have been improved, particularly when re-running demos
Rebuilt sandbox
The sandbox has been completely rearchitected for a more reliable and featureful editing experience. In particular, the new editor (built on CodeMirror 6) adds features like:
- Multiple cursors (with
to select next occurrence) - Code folding
- Basic language autocompletion and snippets
- Bracket matching
We've also fixed a number of bugs, and there are a number of under-the-hood improvements to improve robustness.