A library to simplify fetching and managing network state for Redux which based on redux-thunk
npm i redux-data-fetch-middleware --save
- apply middleware
import createFetchMiddleware from 'redux-data-fetch-middleware'
import { applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
// set your own fetch methods
const fetchMethods = (url, params) => fetch(url, {
method: "post",
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
body: JSON.stringify(params)
// set your own central handler for response
const handleResponse = res => res.json()
const reduxFetch = createFetchMiddleware(fetchMethods, handleResponse)
const middlewares = [thunk, reduxFetch]
- actions
import { actionCreator } from 'redux-data-fetch-middleware'
// create action types
export const actionTypes = actionCreator('GET_USER_LIST')
export const getUserList = params => ({
url: '/api/userList',
params: params,
types: actionTypes,
// handle result
handleResult: res => res.data.list,
// handle error
handleError: ...
// if you want to getCurrent state, you can use the Redux-thunk's features
export const getUserList = params => (dispatch, getState) => {
// you can get state and do anything you want here
return dispatch ({
url: '/api/userList',
params: params,
types: actionTypes,
// handle result
handleResult: res => res.data.list,
// handle error
handleError: ...
// you can just dispatch the ation
dispatch(getUserList({ page: 1 })).then(ret => {
// you can get the result after request
- reducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { reducerCreator } from 'redux-data-fetch-middleware'
import { actionTypes } from './action'
const [ GET, GET_SUCCESS, GET_FAILED ] = actionTypes
// the userList state will turn to {
// list: [],
// loading: false,
// error: null
// }
// and will auto change the 'loading' and 'error' value when GET, GET_SUCCESS and GET_FAILED
const fetchedUserList = reducerCreator(actionTypes)
const initialUserList = {
list: []
const userList = (state = initialUserList, action => {
switch(action.type) {
return {
export default combineReducers({
userList: fetchedUserList(userList)
One boilerplate for React Which contains redux-data-fetch-middleware: