To setup the project for local development, clone this repository, install dependencies and build a local version of the CLI.
git clone
cd techdocs-cli/
yarn install
yarn build
NOTE: When we build techdocs-cli
it copies the output embedded-techdocs-app
bundle into the packages/techdocs-cli/dist
which is then published with the
npm package.
If you're changing files inside @backstage/techdocs-common
locally and want to run it locally with techdocs-cli
you can run:
cd backstage/packages/techdocs-common`
yarn link
folder above is from the main Backstage repo
And then inside the techdocs-cli
yarn link "@backstage/techdocs-common"
When you're done, remember to unlink the package so you can use the published version again:
yarn unlink "@backstage/techdocs-common" && yarn install --force
You can now run the CLI:
# execute the CLI from the root of the repo
yarn cli
# or using the techdoc-cli binary directly
# ... or as a shell alias in ~/.zshrc or ~/.zprofile or ~/.bashrc or similar
export PATH=/path/to/repo/packages/techdocs-cli/bin:$PATH
If you want to test live test changes to the packages/embedded-techdocs-app
you can serve the app and run the CLI using the following commands:
# Open a shell
yarn start:app
# In another shell use the techdocs-cli
yarn cli:dev [...options]
Running unit tests requires mkdocs to be installed locally:
pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-techdocs-core
Then run yarn test
We have created an example documentation project and it's shipped with techdocs-container repository, for the purpose of local development. But you are free to create your own local test site. All it takes is a docs/
and mkdocs.yml
in a directory.
git clone
cd techdocs-container/mock-docs
# To get a view of your docs in Backstage, use:
techdocs-cli serve
# To view the raw mkdocs site (without Backstage), use:
techdocs-cli serve:mkdocs
We love having contributions, so if you want to contribute, please:
Create a new Pull Request from your branch to the main
If you want to include your changes in the next version bump, run:
yarn changeset
Choose a package, semver version, add a summary of the changes and press ENTER
This script will create a new markdown file in the .changeset folder
Not sure what this means? Click here to learn what changesets are
Commit the changeset along with your PR changes.
This repository uses changesets for a more automated release process. All changes to the packages of this repository, packages/embedded-techdocs-app
and packages/techdocs-cli
should have changesets added along with each change.
Once you decide you want to do a release:
yarn changeset version
This consumes all changesets, and updates to the most appropriate semver version based on those changesets. It also writes changelog entries for each consumed changeset.
When you have verified the version and changelogs looks as expected, you can publish the new version:
yarn changeset publish
We have automated these two steps in our main workflow.
The main.yml workflow opens a new PR for you with the package versions and updated changelogs.
This PR can then be merged and if the new version is not published to NPM, the publish step in the main.yml workflow will get triggered and publish the new version for you.
Note: The Backstage app and plugins versions are fixed in the packages/embedded-techdocs-app
mono-repo. So @backstage/plugin-techdocs
version may need upgrading from time to time if significant APIs are changed.