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build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 (#167) #274

build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 (#167)

build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 (#167) #274

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
- main
contents: read
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Static analysis
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
set -x
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends tox
- name: Run static analysis
run: tox -vve static
- name: Run linters
run: tox -vve lint
name: Juju tests
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- static-analysis
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
set -x
sudo apt-get autopurge -y docker-ce podman uidmap
sudo ip link delete docker0
sudo nft flush ruleset
sudo snap install lxd --channel=latest/edge
sudo snap set lxd
sudo lxd waitready
sudo lxd init --auto --storage-backend=zfs --storage-create-loop=10
sudo snap install charmcraft --classic
sudo snap install juju
snap list --all
- name: Build charms
run: |
set -eux
# Charms are normally built without binary deps but that is slow as pyca/cryptography (rust) takes a long time to build.
# Not depending on binaries is a good thing for arches lacking some wheels but in CI, we only care about amd64 which has
# all the needed wheels. As such, tweak the charmcraft.yaml to include the requirements as binary packages and skip the
# lengthy compilations. The official build happening on Launchpad will use the proper/unmangled charmcraft.yaml files.
./.github/scripts/ . "cargo,libffi-dev,libssl-dev,pkg-config,python3-dev,rustc"
./.github/scripts/ examples/https-client/ "cargo,libffi-dev,libssl-dev,pkg-config,python3-dev,rustc"
charmcraft pack -v
echo "==> ancillary charm for testing purposes"
charmcraft pack -v --project-dir examples/https-client
echo "==> cleanup project to reclaim space"
lxc list --project charmcraft -c n -f csv | xargs --no-run-if-empty lxc delete --project charmcraft
- name: Upload charms
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: charms
path: ./*.charm
- name: Bootstrap Juju
run: |
set -eux
lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv6.address=none
juju bootstrap lxd local
- name: Exercice lxd-https relation
run: |
set -eux
STEP_NAME="lxd-https relation"
echo "# === $STEP_NAME starts === #" >> juju-debug.log
# Valid statuses list:
juju_wait() {
# XXX: wait-for may timeout while things are usable so continue on error
juju wait-for model ci-testing --query='life=="alive" && status=="available" && len(applications) > 0 && forEach(applications, app => app.status == "active") && len(units) > 0 && forEach(units, unit => unit.workload-status == "active" && unit.agent-status == "idle")' || true
# capture juju's logs on error
debug() {
set +e
juju debug-log --replay --level debug >> juju-debug.log
echo "# === $STEP_NAME ends === #" >> juju-debug.log
juju status --relations >> juju-debug.log
exit "$rc"
trap debug err exit
juju add-model ci-testing
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=WARNING;unit=DEBUG"
echo "==> Test 20.04 charm in standalone mode"
juju deploy ./lxd_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm --num-units 1 --config lxd-listen-https=true --config snap-channel="5.0/stable"
juju deploy ./https-client_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm
juju relate https-client lxd
juju status --relations
echo "==> list trusted client certs"
juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list --format csv
echo "==> confirm lxd now trusts the client cert"
juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list --format csv | grep -E ",juju-relation-https-client/[0-9]+,"
echo "==> break the relationship to have the client cert removed"
juju remove-relation https-client lxd
echo "==> check that the client cert was not left behind"
! juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list --format csv | grep -E ",juju-relation-https-client/[0-9]+," || false
echo "==> set the projects config and re-establish the relation"
juju config https-client projects="default"
juju relate https-client lxd
echo "==> check that the client cert is now restricted"
FINGERPRINT="$(juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list --format csv | awk -F, '/,juju-relation-https-client/ {print $4}')"
juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust show "$FINGERPRINT"
juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust show "$FINGERPRINT" | grep -xF 'restricted: true'
echo "==> removing the https-client application will break the relation causing the removal of the cert"
juju remove-application --no-prompt https-client
! juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list --format csv | grep -E ",juju-relation-https-client/[0-9]+," || false
juju status --relations
- name: Test opening/closing ports
run: |
set -eux
echo "==> open the dns, bgp and metrics ports"
juju config lxd lxd-listen-dns=true lxd-listen-bgp=true lxd-listen-metrics=true
juju wait-for application lxd --query='status=="active"'
juju status
echo "==> check that the dns, bgp, https and metrics ports are opened"
OPENED_PORTS="$(juju exec --unit lxd/leader "opened-ports" | grep -cE '^(53|179|8443|9100)/tcp$')"
[ "$OPENED_PORTS" -eq 4 ]
echo "==> close the dns, bgp and metrics ports"
juju config lxd lxd-listen-dns=false lxd-listen-bgp=false lxd-listen-metrics=false
juju wait-for application lxd --query='status=="active"'
juju status
echo "==> check that only the https port remains opened"
HTTPS_PORT="$(juju exec --unit lxd/leader "opened-ports" | grep -E '^[0-9]+/tcp$')"
[ "$HTTPS_PORT" = "8443/tcp" ]
- name: Scale the number of lxd units
run: |
set -eux
echo "==> Add a LXD unit"
juju add-unit lxd
juju wait-for application lxd --query='status=="active"'
juju status
- name: Test add-trusted-client/remove-trusted-client actions
run: |
set -eux
echo "==> Generate local cert/key"
rm -rf ~/snap/lxd/common/config/
lxc remote add localhost --accept-certificate --password=abc 2>/dev/null || true
echo "==> Add trusted client cert"
juju run --wait=2m lxd/leader add-trusted-client name="$CERT_NAME" cert="$(cat ~/snap/lxd/common/config/client.crt)" | grep -F 'result: The client certificate is now trusted'
echo "==> Confirm the user's cert was added to the trusted list"
juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list -f csv | grep "^client,${CERT_NAME},"
echo "==> Remove trusted client cert"
juju run --wait=2m lxd/leader remove-trusted-client fingerprint="$(openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -in ~/snap/lxd/common/config/client.crt)" | grep -F 'result: The client certificate is no longer trusted'
echo "==> Confirm the user's cert was removed from the trusted list"
! juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list -f csv | grep "^client,${CERT_NAME}," || false
- name: Cleanup standalone lxd units
run: |
set -eux
juju remove-application --no-prompt --force lxd
sleep 10
juju status
- name: Cluster tests
run: |
set -eux
STEP_NAME="cluster tests"
echo "# === $STEP_NAME starts === #" >> juju-debug.log
# capture juju's logs on error
debug() {
set +e
juju debug-log --replay --level debug >> juju-debug.log
echo "# === $STEP_NAME ends === #" >> juju-debug.log
juju status --relations >> juju-debug.log
exit "$rc"
trap debug err exit
echo "==> Test 22.04 charm in cluster mode"
juju deploy ./lxd_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --num-units "$NODE_CREATED" --config mode=cluster --config lxd-listen-https=true
juju wait-for application lxd --query='life=="alive" && status=="available" && forEach(units, unit =>"alive")' || true # wait for leader-election
juju status --relations
echo "==> Check that all members are online and fully operational"
NODE_JOINED="$(juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc cluster list --format csv | grep -cF ',ONLINE,Fully operational')"
- name: Test get-client-token action
run: |
set -eux
echo "==> Obtain a client-token"
token="$(juju run --wait=2m lxd/leader get-client-token name="$CERT_NAME" | sed -n '/^\s\+Client [^ ]\+ certificate add token:$/,+1 p' | sed '/^\s\+Client /d; s/^\s\+//')"
lxc remote add "$REMOTE_NAME" "$token"
echo "==> Test the newly added remote"
lxc config show "$REMOTE_NAME":
echo "==> Confirm the user's cert was added to the trusted list"
juju exec --unit lxd/leader -- lxc config trust list -f csv | grep "^client,${CERT_NAME},"
- name: Check for errors
run: |
set -eux
if juju status --format=oneline | grep -qF workload:error; then
echo "Juju failed to deploy"
juju status --format=oneline
exit 1
- name: Juju debug-log
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: juju-debug-logs ${{ github.job }}
path: juju-debug.log
retention-days: 5