Latest Version: 1.5.7
Release Date: July 26, 2024
View the latest release notes here.
Use of the Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK is governed by the license found in LICENSE.
- View all API and integration offerings on the Developer Network along with reference documentation, video tutorials, and how-to guides.
- Use the Developer Community Forum to discuss issues and get answers from other API developers in the Carbon Black Community.
- Create a github issue for bugs and change requests or create a ticket with Carbon Black Support.
Visit ReadTheDocs for this project's documentation.
The Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK is design to work on Python 3.8 and above.
All requirements are installed as part of pip install carbon-black-cloud-sdk
. If you're planning on pushing changes to the Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK, the following can be used after cloning the repo pip install -r requirements.txt
At least one Carbon Black Cloud product is required to use this SDK:
- requests
- pyyaml
- python-dateutil
- schema
- solrq
- jsonschema
- validators
- keyring (for MacOS)
If developing the SDK, you also need:
- pytest==5.4.2
- pymox==1.0.0
- coverage==5.1
- flake8==3.8.1
- flake8-colors==0.1.6
- flake8-docstrings==1.5.0
- pre-commit>=2.15.0
Visit the Getting Started Guide for an example of authenticating and making an API call using the SDK.
The SDK supports custom User-Agent's when making API calls. This allows you to identify yourself when using the SDK. See Setting the User-Agent section of the documentation for more information.
Use the following steps if you want to provide additional examples, fix a bug, or add a feature to the SDK.
You will need to fork the repo in order to create pull requests when submitting code for review. For details on forking a repo, see here.
git clone{fork-name}/carbon-black-cloud-sdk-python
cd carbon-black-cloud-sdk-python
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Before contributing any code please make sure to read the CONTRIBUTING page.
If you want to test/execute the example scripts from the repo then install the SDK with the following command. This will install the SDK in editable mode so changes to the repo modify the installed package.
pip install -e .
Note: The above command needs to be run from the base folder of the repo
From the parent directory carbon-black-cloud-sdk-python
, run the command pytest
ReadTheDocs hosts the documentation for the SDK. If you make changes to the SDK that require an update to the documentation, first install the documentation packages from pip:
pip install sphinxcontrib-apidoc sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-copybutton
Then, build the docs locally with the following commands:
cd docs
make html
Note that the module rst files such as docs/cbc_sdk.platform.rst
are handcrafted to control layout.
- This command will generate new version, but it is not necessary and changes should not be added to the repository.
- All pull requests will trigger a build of the documentation which can be viewed from Read The Docs --> Builds.
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs src/cbc_sdk
The documentation is built in docs/_build/html
N.B.: If your documentation pages appear to generate incorrectly, check to see if you received the warning message
No module named 'cbc_sdk'
. If so, set your PYTHONPATH
to include the src/
subdirectory of the SDK project
directory before running make html
, or the equivalent command sphinx-build -M html . _build
The webhook with readthedocs will create a build of the branch and report on the status of the build to the GitHub pull request
Build the documentation by running:
$ docker run -p 7000:7000 -it $(docker build -f ./docker/docs/Dockerfile . -q) make livehtml
To begin a code change, start by creating a branch off of the develop branch.
git checkout develop
git checkout -b {branch-name}
When the feature or bug fix is finished you will need to create a pull request to the CarbonBlack repo, the following will push your changes to Github.
git push {remote} {branch-name}
If your branch is behind the develop branch, you will need to rebase.
git checkout {branch-name}
git rebase develop
Note: if your develop branch is out of sync with the Carbon Black repo then you will need to sync your fork. For information on syncing your fork, see here.