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Merge pull request #29 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/JSON-for-interface
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Use structured JSON for interfacing with 'ClientRequest' / 'ClientResponse'
  • Loading branch information
ch1bo authored Jun 29, 2021
2 parents 411ec18 + f957ff1 commit 72aeeb0
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Showing 26 changed files with 465 additions and 159 deletions.
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions hydra-node/hydra-node.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,9 +101,8 @@ library
, base
build-depends: base
, aeson
, cardano-binary
, cardano-crypto-class
, cardano-ledger-core
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,8 +187,8 @@ test-suite tests
main-is: Main.hs
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
build-depends: base
, aeson
, cardano-binary
, cardano-crypto-class
, cborg
Expand Down
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/API/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,30 +11,31 @@ import Hydra.Prelude
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TChan, dupTChan, readTChan)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (newBroadcastTChanIO, writeTChan)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Hydra.HeadLogic (
import Hydra.Ledger (Tx)
import Hydra.Ledger (Tx (..))
import Hydra.Logging (Tracer, traceWith)
import Hydra.Network (IP, PortNumber)
import Network.WebSockets (acceptRequest, receiveData, runServer, sendTextData, withPingThread)

data APIServerLog
= APIServerStarted {listeningPort :: PortNumber}
| NewAPIConnection
| APIResponseSent {sentResponse :: Text}
| APIRequestReceived {receivedRequest :: Text}
| APIInvalidRequest {receivedRequest :: Text}
| APIResponseSent {sentResponse :: LByteString}
| APIRequestReceived {receivedRequest :: LByteString}
| APIInvalidRequest {receivedRequest :: LByteString}
deriving (Eq, Show)

withAPIServer ::
Tx tx =>
IP ->
PortNumber ->
Tracer IO APIServerLog ->
(ClientRequest tx -> IO ()) ->
((ClientResponse tx -> IO ()) -> IO ()) ->
(ClientInput tx -> IO ()) ->
((ServerOutput tx -> IO ()) -> IO ()) ->
IO ()
withAPIServer host port tracer requests continuation = do
responseChannel <- newBroadcastTChanIO
Expand All @@ -48,8 +49,8 @@ runAPIServer ::
IP ->
PortNumber ->
Tracer IO APIServerLog ->
(ClientRequest tx -> IO ()) ->
TChan (ClientResponse tx) ->
(ClientInput tx -> IO ()) ->
TChan (ServerOutput tx) ->
IO ()
runAPIServer host port tracer requestHandler responseChannel = do
traceWith tracer (APIServerStarted port)
Expand All @@ -62,13 +63,13 @@ runAPIServer host port tracer requestHandler responseChannel = do
sendResponses chan con = forever $ do
response <- STM.atomically $ readTChan chan
let sentResponse = show response
let sentResponse = Aeson.encode response
sendTextData con sentResponse
traceWith tracer (APIResponseSent sentResponse)

receiveRequests con = forever $ do
msg <- receiveData con
case readEither (toString msg) of
case Aeson.eitherDecode msg of
Right request -> do
traceWith tracer (APIRequestReceived msg)
requestHandler request
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/ExternalPAB.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Hydra.Chain.ExternalPAB where
import Hydra.Prelude

import Control.Monad.Class.MonadSay (say)
import Data.Aeson (Result (Error, Success), ToJSON, eitherDecodeStrict)
import Data.Aeson (Result (Error, Success), eitherDecodeStrict)
import Data.Aeson.Types (fromJSON)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Hydra.Chain (Chain (Chain, postTx))
Expand Down
178 changes: 162 additions & 16 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/HeadLogic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ module Hydra.HeadLogic where

import Hydra.Prelude

import Cardano.Binary (FromCBOR (..), ToCBOR (..))
import Cardano.Crypto.Util (SignableRepresentation (..))
import Data.Aeson (object, withObject, (.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.List (elemIndex, (\\))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
Expand All @@ -26,31 +27,78 @@ import Hydra.Ledger (

data Event tx
= ClientEvent (ClientRequest tx)
= ClientEvent (ClientInput tx)
| NetworkEvent (HydraMessage tx)
| OnChainEvent (OnChainTx tx)
| ShouldPostFanout
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Effect tx
= ClientEffect (ClientResponse tx)
= ClientEffect (ServerOutput tx)
| NetworkEffect (HydraMessage tx)
| OnChainEffect (OnChainTx tx)
| Delay DiffTime (Event tx)

deriving instance Tx tx => Eq (Effect tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Show (Effect tx)

data ClientRequest tx
data ClientInput tx
= Init
| Commit (UTxO tx)
| NewTx tx
| Close
| Contest

deriving instance Tx tx => Eq (ClientRequest tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Show (ClientRequest tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Read (ClientRequest tx)
deriving (Generic)

deriving instance Tx tx => Eq (ClientInput tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Show (ClientInput tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Read (ClientInput tx)

instance (Arbitrary tx, Arbitrary (UTxO tx)) => Arbitrary (ClientInput tx) where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary

-- NOTE: Somehow, can't use 'genericShrink' here as GHC is complaining about
-- Overlapping instances with 'UTxO tx' even though for a fixed `tx`, there
-- should be only one 'UTxO tx'
shrink = \case
Init -> []
Commit xs -> Commit <$> shrink xs
NewTx tx -> NewTx <$> shrink tx
Close -> []
Contest -> []

instance Tx tx => ToJSON (ClientInput tx) where
toJSON = \case
Init ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "init"]
Commit u ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "commit", "utxo" .= u]
NewTx tx ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "newTransaction", "transaction" .= tx]
Close ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "close"]
Contest ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "contest"]
s = Aeson.String
tagFieldName = "input"

instance Tx tx => FromJSON (ClientInput tx) where
parseJSON = withObject "ClientInput" $ \obj -> do
tag <- obj .: "input"
case tag of
"init" ->
pure Init
"commit" ->
Commit <$> (obj .: "utxo")
"newTransaction" ->
NewTx <$> (obj .: "transaction")
"close" ->
pure Close
"contest" ->
pure Contest
_ ->
fail $ "unknown input type: " <> toString @Text tag

type SnapshotNumber = Natural

Expand All @@ -60,15 +108,41 @@ data Snapshot tx = Snapshot
, -- | The set of transactions that lead to 'utxo'
confirmed :: [tx]
deriving (Generic)

deriving instance Tx tx => Eq (Snapshot tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Show (Snapshot tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Read (Snapshot tx)

instance (Arbitrary tx, Arbitrary (UTxO tx)) => Arbitrary (Snapshot tx) where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary

-- NOTE: See note on 'Arbitrary (ClientInput tx)'
shrink s =
[ Snapshot (number s) utxo' confirmed'
| utxo' <- shrink (utxo s)
, confirmed' <- shrink (confirmed s)

instance Tx tx => SignableRepresentation (Snapshot tx) where
getSignableRepresentation = encodeUtf8 . show @Text

data ClientResponse tx
instance Tx tx => ToJSON (Snapshot tx) where
toJSON s =
[ "snapshotNumber" .= number s
, "utxo" .= utxo s
, "confirmedTransactions" .= confirmed s

instance Tx tx => FromJSON (Snapshot tx) where
parseJSON = withObject "Snapshot" $ \obj ->
<$> (obj .: "snapshotNumber")
<*> (obj .: "utxo")
<*> (obj .: "confirmedTransactions")

data ServerOutput tx
= PeerConnected Party
| PeerDisconnected Party
| ReadyToCommit [Party]
Expand All @@ -79,10 +153,84 @@ data ClientResponse tx
| TxSeen tx
| TxInvalid tx
| SnapshotConfirmed SnapshotNumber

deriving instance Tx tx => Eq (ClientResponse tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Show (ClientResponse tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Read (ClientResponse tx)
deriving (Generic)

deriving instance Tx tx => Eq (ServerOutput tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Show (ServerOutput tx)
deriving instance Tx tx => Read (ServerOutput tx)

instance (Arbitrary tx, Arbitrary (UTxO tx)) => Arbitrary (ServerOutput tx) where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary

-- NOTE: See note on 'Arbitrary (ClientInput tx)'
shrink = \case
PeerConnected p -> PeerConnected <$> shrink p
PeerDisconnected p -> PeerDisconnected <$> shrink p
ReadyToCommit xs -> ReadyToCommit <$> shrink xs
HeadIsOpen u -> HeadIsOpen <$> shrink u
HeadIsClosed t s -> HeadIsClosed t <$> shrink s
HeadIsFinalized u -> HeadIsFinalized <$> shrink u
CommandFailed -> []
TxSeen tx -> TxSeen <$> shrink tx
TxInvalid tx -> TxInvalid <$> shrink tx
SnapshotConfirmed{} -> []

instance (ToJSON tx, ToJSON (Snapshot tx), ToJSON (UTxO tx)) => ToJSON (ServerOutput tx) where
toJSON = \case
PeerConnected peer ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "peerConnected", "peer" .= peer]
PeerDisconnected peer ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "peerDisconnected", "peer" .= peer]
ReadyToCommit parties ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "readyToCommit", "parties" .= parties]
HeadIsOpen utxo ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "headIsOpen", "utxo" .= utxo]
HeadIsClosed contestationPeriod latestSnapshot ->
[ tagFieldName .= s "headIsClosed"
, "contestationPeriod" .= contestationPeriod
, "latestSnapshot" .= latestSnapshot
HeadIsFinalized utxo ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "headIsFinalized", "utxo" .= utxo]
CommandFailed ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "commandFailed"]
TxSeen tx ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "transactionSeen", "transaction" .= tx]
TxInvalid tx ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "transactionInvalid", "transaction" .= tx]
SnapshotConfirmed snapshotNumber ->
object [tagFieldName .= s "snapshotConfirmed", "snapshotNumber" .= snapshotNumber]
s = Aeson.String
tagFieldName = "output"

instance (FromJSON tx, FromJSON (Snapshot tx), FromJSON (UTxO tx)) => FromJSON (ServerOutput tx) where
parseJSON = withObject "ServerOutput" $ \obj -> do
tag <- obj .: "output"
case tag of
"peerConnected" ->
PeerConnected <$> (obj .: "peer")
"peerDisconnected" ->
PeerDisconnected <$> (obj .: "peer")
"readyToCommit" ->
ReadyToCommit <$> (obj .: "parties")
"headIsOpen" ->
HeadIsOpen <$> (obj .: "utxo")
"headIsClosed" ->
HeadIsClosed <$> (obj .: "contestationPeriod") <*> (obj .: "latestSnapshot")
"headIsFinalized" ->
HeadIsFinalized <$> (obj .: "utxo")
"commandFailed" ->
pure CommandFailed
"transactionSeen" ->
TxSeen <$> (obj .: "transaction")
"transactionInvalid" ->
TxInvalid <$> (obj .: "transaction")
"snapshotConfirmed" ->
SnapshotConfirmed <$> (obj .: "snapshotNumber")
_ ->
fail $ "unknown output type: " <> toString @Text tag

-- NOTE(SN): Every message comes from a 'Party', we might want to move it out of
-- here into the 'NetworkEvent'
Expand All @@ -92,9 +240,7 @@ data HydraMessage tx
| AckSn Party (Signed (Snapshot tx)) SnapshotNumber
| Connected Party
| Disconnected Party
deriving (Eq, Show)

deriving stock instance Generic (HydraMessage tx)
deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)

instance (ToCBOR tx, ToCBOR (UTxO tx)) => ToCBOR (HydraMessage tx) where
toCBOR = \case
Expand Down
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/Ledger.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Hydra.Ledger where

import Cardano.Binary (FromCBOR (fromCBOR), ToCBOR (toCBOR))
import Hydra.Prelude

import Cardano.Crypto.DSIGN (DSIGNAlgorithm (..), MockDSIGN, SignKeyDSIGN, VerKeyDSIGN (VerKeyMockDSIGN), signDSIGN)
import Cardano.Crypto.Util (SignableRepresentation)
import Hydra.Prelude hiding (show)

-- NOTE(MB): We probably want to move these common types somewhere else. Putting
-- here to avoid circular dependencies with Hydra.Logic

-- | Identifies a party in a Hydra head.
newtype Party = UnsafeParty (VerKeyDSIGN MockDSIGN)
deriving (Eq)
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
deriving newtype (Show, Read, Num)

deriving instance Read (VerKeyDSIGN MockDSIGN)
Expand All @@ -22,6 +23,15 @@ instance Ord Party where
(UnsafeParty a) <= (UnsafeParty b) =
rawSerialiseVerKeyDSIGN a <= rawSerialiseVerKeyDSIGN b

instance Arbitrary Party where
arbitrary = deriveParty . generateKey <$> arbitrary

instance ToJSON Party where
toJSON (UnsafeParty (VerKeyMockDSIGN i)) = toJSON i

instance FromJSON Party where
parseJSON = fmap fromInteger . parseJSON

instance FromCBOR Party where
fromCBOR = UnsafeParty <$> fromCBOR

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +78,10 @@ class
, Read (UTxO tx)
, Monoid (UTxO tx)
, Typeable tx
, FromJSON tx
, FromJSON (UTxO tx)
, ToJSON tx
, ToJSON (UTxO tx)
) =>
Tx tx
Expand Down

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