Coding with assembly language MIPS in MARS interface. Learning to code assembly language through the basic language of MARS. There are 5 different sessions in which different programing tecniques.
In the first session (marked as 0), we learned how to use the interface, and did very basic programming. Furthermore in the Session 1 we learned how to very basically program arrays and other accesses to memory. Session 2 was based on translation from coding language C to MIPS. Session 3 was about different data structures and what their background is based on assembly language (specifically touched on matricies and the different ways to access the element). Session 4 touched on the different ways to store a decimal in assembly language. And finally session 5 was cache memory and the diferent types that computers used, and how to check the cache usage in MARS. There was also an exam that touched on all the different sessions seen.
Inside each folder is the session description and the proposed problems solved in different files.