Run all Metasploit POST modules to find credentials inside a session.
Just download/clone this repo and execute from its folder.
git clone
cp credentials.rb /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins/
Once installed, load it inside a running msfconsole session executing:
load credentials
Once the plugin is loaded you can execute:
all_creds: This will execute every single POST module to gather credentials from the system.
all_creds -s all
all_creds -s 1
sys_creds: This will gather only the hashes of the users.
sys_creds -s all
sys_creds -s 1
Execute some useful POST modules to find a way to escalate privileges in Windows
win_privesc -s all
win_privesc -s 1
For more information about privilege escalation in Windows read Windows Full Local Privilege Escalation Guide
For more information about privilege escalation in Linux read Linux Full Local Privilege Escalation Guide