Licensing information: READ LICENSE
Project source can be downloaded at
Author and contribution list: Jonathan Woolf Carlos Santillana
All bug reports can be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]
How to run the program: In terminal:
- git clone
- cd rshell
- make
- bin/rshell
rshell attempts to mimic a bash terminal shell. rshell accepts bash command executables that exist in /bin
rshell does virtually everything the bash shell does, save for some subtleties. For example, it will not perform the cd command.
The following commands work as expected: ls (including -a, -l, and -R), cp, cat, echo, printf, mkdir, rmdir. git
Sample output as follows:
Please enter a command: $ echo A && echo B || echo C && echo D A B D $
- Git commit -m "Comment here" - Can only have one word written within quotes
- Backwards semicolons ")(" do not produce error message if not the first command
- After calling pipe the dollar sign prompt disappears, however; it still executes commands as it should.
- The command "tee" does not work