A javascript plugin that insert a mini game "Connect Four" into web page in a <canvas>
Visit this wiki page for a detailed description of the game.
Take a quick look at the demo page.
Insert the following HTML snippet into your web page:
<div id="app"></div>
Add a script tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<path-to-your>/app.min.js"></script>
and that's it!
If you want to customize or extend the game, patch the scripts in /src
and run:
$ NODE_ENV=production webpack
to re-build the app.min.js
While developing the app, run:
$ npm run dev
which will fire up a --hot --inline webpack-dev-server on your localhost:8080
- Keep a game history so to support advanced actions like "undo" or "replay".
- Prettier UI.
react-konva: a JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using React.
This project also heavily uses ES2015 (or actually ES2015+) features with babel compiler. I found babel's introductory page a great place to get started to learn the cool features from ES2015.