Everything required to run the project including all necessary data is already in the project. In order to run the
project ensure that Python 3
is installed on your machine, then continue with the following steps:
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python3 main.py
to run the code detection on the Canvas Gamification repository.- The plot of all code smells for the repository will be displayed upon completion of the program.
- The code smells will be exported to
.- To run the unit tests, use the command
python3 -m unittest discover -s tests
- The project is currently at a place where I am confident that everything is completed properly.
- There could be small room for improvements in the detection methods that might improve the accuracy. I do not believe this would increase the amount detected by much.
- The accuracy can also be fine-tuned by changing the values used for detection in
, I determined these initial values based on research, and my own personal development experience. A better selection for these values could be possibly be proposed by an expert and would help increase the accuracy of the detection. - Testing Strategy:
- In order to test that my code smell detection is working as expected I implemented unit-testing that tests the detection of the ten code smells I selected for this project.
+-- .github/workflows (contains workflow for automated testing on GitHub)
| +-- ci.yml
+-- data
| +-- canvas-gamification-master.zip (raw repo downloaded from GitHub)
| +-- canvas-gamification-master (unzipped data folder)
+-- output (contains exported csv with all code smells)
| +-- code_smells.csv
+-- scripts (contains all code smell detection)
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- detect_cyclomatic_complexity.py
| +-- detect_data_class.py
| +-- detect_function_chains.py
| +-- detect_function_length.py
| +-- detect_god_line.py
| +-- detect_identifier_size.py
| +-- detect_large_class.py
| +-- detect_lazy_class.py
| +-- detect_many_parameters.py
| +-- detect_middle_man.py
+-- test_files (ensure code smell detection works as expected)
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- test.py
| +-- test_cyclomatic_complexity.py
| +-- test_data_class.py
| +-- test_large_class.py
| +-- test_method_class.py
| +-- test_middle_man.py
+-- tests (test used to ensure code works as expected)
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- test_code_smell_detection.py
+-- util (util functions used across scripts)
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- compute_length.py
| +-- file.py
+-- constants.py
+-- detect_code_smells.py
+-- export_dataframe.py
+-- main.py
+-- plot_dataframe.py
+-- README.md
+-- requirements.txt
- Week 8:
- Working on the project plan.
- Exploring different code smells that exist, and researching the most common ones.
- Might need to use GitHub API will need investigating.
- Week 9:
- Set up the repository.
- Basic python setup, structure, etc…
- Define class level and method level code smells.
- Define them in English.
- Week 10:
- Pick 5 smells from each category that I would like to identify.
- Set up models for each smell, and its attributes, description, etc...
- Week 11:
- Begin writing code to determine smells.
- Begin writing test files to test the above code.
- Week 12:
- Finish functions for determining smells.
- Finish test files.
- Test on the provided repository.
- Start on presentation/findings.
- Week 13:
- Finish presentation/report/findings.
- Week 14:
- Finalize and submit required deliverables.
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tJXRMzRGm2gtFQvw7nRJ_2UiIBiHPKie0t_1i0GLrAg/edit?usp=sharing
- Total counts for all code smells in the repository are at the bottom of the above file.
- Cyclomatic Complexity:
- Too many branches and loops.
- To detect this I use the idea that the cyclomatic complexity involves counting entry points into branches or
loops. For every
I iterate over every line within the class, I then check if this line contains any of the key values in a constant list. This list contains key values that indicate an entry point to a loop or branch. After all these have been counted for the class, I compare the total cyclomatic complexity with another constant to determine if it is too much, in that case the code smell is detected.
- Large Class:
- Trying to do too much and has too many instance variables.
- This is detected in the same way as lazy class but uses a different constant to determine if the class is too large.
- Middle Man:
- Lots of methods are delegated to other classes.
- For this I walk through the AST, and dig deeper into each
node. I then look within each of these nodes for all theast.FunctionDef
nodes. I then determine if each function only contains calls to other functions, and doesn't contain any code itself. I then compare the percentage of functions that delegate their responsibilities vs. the total number of functions in the class. If the percentage is greater than a set constant it is a middle-man.
- Data Class:
- Classes have nothing but fields, and setters or getters for these fields.
- To detect this class smell, I iterate over the AST and check each
. Within each of these nodes I then use helper functions to detect if the class only contains fields and/or getters/setters.
- Lazy Class:
- Class doing little.
- In order to detect this code smell, I iterate over every node in the AST looking for the
type. I then check the line length of the class against a predetermined constant to determine if it is a lazy class.
- Long Method:
- Long procedures that are hard to understand.
- Rule of 30.
- In order to determine if a function is too long, I iterate over every node in the AST, when I find
node, I then determine the total lines that make up this function. I then compare this value to a set constant and if it exceeds this constant then the function length is too long.
- Method Chains:
- Method calling a different method which calls a different method which calls a different method… and on and on ( implemented).
To detect this code smell I iterate over every node in the AST for each file, if the node is of the typeast.Call
then if the node has avalue
attribute. Having this attribute means it makes another function call. If this happened on the same line then it is a method chain.- The above was my initial implementation of detection, but it turned out to be very inaccurate. I have improved it,
and it now makes much more sense. I iterate over every line in each file, I then compare the count of
for each line against a constant value that is the number of allowed function chains.
- Too Many Parameters:
- A very long list of parameters.
- Parameter Number from "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship".
- To detect this code smell I iterate through the nodes in the AST, if it is a
I then look at the arguments and compare the amount of arguments against a constant to determine if it contains too many.
- God Line:
- An insanely long line of code.
- Number of characters per line comes from PyCharm's warning.
- To determine if a line is too long, I iterate through every line in every file and check the length of the line against a pre-determined constant.
- Identifier Size:
- The identifier is excessively short or long.
- To detect this code smell I iterate over every node in the AST, I then check if it is of the following
, orast.name
. If it is any of these types then it is an identifier. I then compare the name for the identifier to a constant to determine if it is either too short or too long.