Package gtcp is a TCP server framework that inherits battle-tested code from net/http and can be extended through built-in interfaces.
Can be used in the same manner with http.Server(>= 1.8).
- Make API as much compatible as possible.
- Make the zero value useful.
Inherits as much battle tested code from net/http.
Provides much flexiblity through built-in interfaces.
- ConnHandler
- ConnHandler
- KeepAliveHandler that makes it easy to implement keepalive.
- PipelineHandler that makes it easy to implement pipelining.
- ConnTracker
- MapConnTracker that handles force closing active connections also graceful shutdown.
- WGConnTracker that handles only graceful shutdown using a naive way with sync.WaitGroup.
- Conn
- BufferedConn that wraps Conn in bufio.Reader/Writer.
- StatsConn that wraps Conn to measure incomming/outgoing bytes.
- DebugConn that wraps Conn to output debug information.
- Logger
- BuiltinLogger that logs using standard log package.
- Retry
- ExponentialRetry that implements exponential backoff algorithm without jitter.
- Statistics
- TrafficStatistics that measures incomming/outgoing traffic across a server.
- Limiter
- MaxConnLimiter that limits connections based on the maximum number.
- ConnHandler
Gets GC pressure as little as possible with sync.Pool.
Zero 3rd party depentencies.
Support TLS
Support multiple listeners
import ""
// echo server:
func echoServer() error {
srv := >cp.Server{
Addr: ":1979",
NewConn: gtcp.NewStatsConn,
ConnHandler: func(ctx context.Context, conn gtcp.Conn) {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
for {
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
err = conn.Flush()
if err != nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// canceled by parent
return srv.ListenAndServe()
go get -u