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Maintenance: format changelog (#89) #163

Maintenance: format changelog (#89)

Maintenance: format changelog (#89) #163

Workflow file for this run

# Runs when merging to main branch or previous/next release branch (usually the next/ or release/X.Y.z branches)
- main
- release/*
- next/*
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} # This is defined by the strategy below
# The strategy allows to automatically test different os and python version combinations
fail-fast: true # The MAIN checks should also fail fast not to waste GitHub minutes
# For reproducibility, we define ubuntu-20.04 rather than ubuntu-latest. There is no need for macos tests.
os: [ ubuntu-20.04 ]
# MAIN-CHECKS do not have to check for all supported python distributions, as DEPENDENCIES-CHECK should.
python-version: [ '3.11' ] # This should be the default supported python distribution.
- name: Checkout current branch
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0 # 0 fetches all history, apparently needed for push:
- name: Set up python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
architecture: x64 # Default architecture most systems operate on
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} # This is defined by the strategy above
- name: Load cached venv
# Cache local .venv, the packages downloaded by poetry into custom cache .pypoetry and ~/.local (poetry itself)
if: contains(matrix.python-version, '3.11') # only load cache when doing 3.11
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: venv-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/poetry.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
venv-${{ runner.os }}-
- name: Set up python build dependencies
# Ensure latest pip, setuptools, and wheel are installed.
run: make install-build-deps
- name: Install and configure poetry
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1
installer-parallel: true
version: 1.8.3 # This should be a specific micro version for reproducibility
- name: Set poetry cache
# To have a consistent cache directory between different os (linux/macosx)
run: poetry config cache-dir .pypoetry
# Now set up the virtualenv and run the regular tests, this is needed as `main` might've already changed
# and although tests in the PR-CHECKS are passing, unless `main` was merged, the incompatibility of changes
# would not be flagged. No need to do format or docs coverage, but type checking is useful.
- name: Poetry update lock and install virtual environment
run: make update-install && poetry show
- name: Run type checking
# This is required as it could have been invalidated by other merges to main since branching out
run: make lint
- name: Run security checking
# This is required as it could have been invalidated by other merges to main since branching out
run: make security-lint
- name: Build package check
# We check that bdist and sdist can build, as if not this would fail the release cycle
# No need to set up the virtual environment first, as toml build-system.requires sets environment for build
run: make build-all
- name: Run package tests
run: make test