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# The role of dependencies checks is to run on schedule and rebuild the environment with the latest available
# dependencies. This way, if either internal or external (3rd party like networkx) dependency break the functionality
# we will be notified quickly. These checks should also test other supported python distributions, to minimise
# resources utilisation the PR-/MAIN-CHECKS will only run on default python distribution.
# The default cadence of this test is once a week. For more sensitive packages, this can be upped to twice a week or daily.
- cron: "0 6 * * 1,4" # Run dependencies-checks twice a week (Monday & Thursday at 06:00 (am) UTC time).
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} # This is defined by the strategy below.
# The strategy allows to automatically test different os and python version combinations.
fail-fast: false # The dependencies checks should NOT fail fast, we want to know which os and pyX.Y is affected.
# For reproducibility, we define ubuntu-20.04 rather than ubuntu-latest. There is no need for macos tests.
os: [ ubuntu-20.04 ]
# Add other python distributions as required (should match the package python requirements).
# This is to highlight any issues that would occur during `release`/`post-release` workflows.
python-version: [ '3.9', '3.10', '3.11', '3.12' ] # Order here does not matter if we do not fail-fast above.
- name: Checkout current branch
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 2 # 2 - should only fetch head which should be quicker
- name: Set up python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
architecture: x64 # Default architecture most systems operate on
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} # This is defined by the strategy above
- name: Set up python build dependencies
# Ensure latest pip, setuptools, and wheel are installed.
run: make install-build-deps
- name: Install and configure poetry
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1
installer-parallel: true
version: 1.8.3 # This should be a specific micro version for reproducibility.
- name: Set poetry cache
# To have a consistent cache directory between different os (linux/macosx)
run: poetry config cache-dir .pypoetry
- name: Poetry update lock and install virtual environment
# We run update of the lock, before setting up the virtual environment, as dependencies checks are specifically
# designed to test the latest internal/external dependencies to flag issues.
run: |
make update-install && poetry show
- name: Run code format checks
# This is required as blue or isort could have updated since the last merge into main
run: make format-check
- name: Run type checking
# This is required as mypy could have updated since the last merge into main
run: make lint
- name: Run security checking
# This is required as bandit could have updated since the last merge into main
run: make security-lint
- name: Run interrogate documentation coverage check
# This is required as interrogate could have updated since the last merge into main
run: make interrogate
- name: Run package tests
# We run the package tests, as release-acceptance-tests are only designed to run over release critical
# functionality. The package (unit)tests should be more comprehensive.
run: make test
- name: Push message to Causal AI channel if the run fails
uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3
# In case of a failure, post the message to the Causal AI Team Slack channel
if: failure()
status: custom
custom_payload: |
username: 'action-slack',
blocks: [
"type": "header",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "${{ }} (${{ runner.os }}-py${{ matrix.python-version }}) dependency test failed :space_invader:"