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Single-Cell RNA-Seq Rstudio

This repository contains a docker image with the main R packages used in Single-Cell RNA-Seq data analysis in a Rstudio interface.

Available Packages

In this image we have some R packages installed:

  • CRAN repository:
Package Version
BiocManager 1.30.4
bookdown 0.9
caret 6.0-81
circlize 0.4.5
cluster 2.0.7-1
clustree 0.2.2
corrplot 0.84
cowplot 0.9.4
crayon 1.3.4
data.table 1.12.0
devtools 2.0.1
doParallel 1.0.14
dplyr 0.7.8
energy 1.7-5
Formula 1.2-3
ggbeeswarm 0.6.0
ggforce 0.1.3
ggplot2 3.1.0
ggraph 1.0.2
ggrepel 0.8.0
ggthemes 4.0.1
git2r 0.24.0
googleVis 0.6.3
KernSmooth 2.23-15
knitr 1.21
lle 1.1
matrixStats 0.54.0
mclust 5.4.2
mgcv 1.8-26
mvoutlier 2.0.9
pathfindR 1.3.0
penalized 0.9-51
phateR 0.2.9
pheatmap 1.0.12
png 0.1-7
psych 1.8.12
rARPACK 0.11-0
RColorBrewer 1.1-2
RCurl 1.95-4.11
Rmagic 1.4.0
RMySQL 0.10.16
ROCR 1.0-7
Rtsne 0.15
scales 1.0.0
seqinr 3.4-5
Seurat 2.3.4
statmod 1.4.30
stringr 1.3.1
tidyverse 1.2.1
XML 3.98-1.16
  • Bioconductor:
Package Version
annotate 1.60.1
AUCell 1.4.1
beachmat 1.4.0
Biobase 2.42.0
BiocParallel 1.16.6
biomaRt 2.38.0
CEMiTool 1.6.11
clusterExperiment 2.2.0
clusterProfiler 3.10.1
ComplexHeatmap 1.20.0
DESeq2 1.22.2
destiny 2.12.0
DOSE 3.8.2
EDASeq 2.16.3
edgeR 3.24.3
fgsea 1.8.0
genefilter 1.64.0
geneplotter 1.60.0
GenomicFeatures 1.34.4
GSEABase 1.44.0
GSVA 1.30.0
iCOBRA 1.10.0
limma 3.38.3
MAST 1.8.2
monocle 2.10.1
MultiAssayExperiment 1.8.3 3.7.0
pathview 1.22.3
pcaMethods 1.74.0
PGSEA 1.56.0
Rhdf5lib 1.4.2
rtracklayer 1.42.2
RUVSeq 1.16.1
SC3 1.10.1
scater 1.10.1
scde 2.10.1
scfind 1.4.1
scmap 1.4.1
scran 1.10.2
SingleCellExperiment 1.4.1
slingshot 1.0.0
SummarizedExperiment 1.12.0
sva 3.30.1
TSCAN 1.20.0
  • GitHub:
Package Version
BPSC 0.99.2
ggbiplot 0.55
ggfortify 0.4.6
kBET 0.99.5
M3Drop 3.10.3
ouija 0.99.0
pcaReduce 1.0
scImpute 0.0.9
scRNA.seq.funcs 0.1.0
SingleR 0.2.2
SLICER 0.2.0
xCell 1.1.0
zinbwave 1.5.2
zingeR 0.1.0

Docker installation

To install docker follow the instructions in the links below depending on your operating system:

Docker pull

Once docker is installed, the next step is pull the scrnaseq-bit image from dockerhub using the following command:

docker pull biagii/scrnaseq-bit

Running image

There are several differents parameters to run the downloaded image. The most commom way is executing the following command:

docker run -d -P -e PASSWORD=password --rm --name [ANY_NAME] -v /server/path/:/docker/path/ -e USERID=$UID biagii/scrnaseq-bit

Next step is necessary to check the port that is running our image:

docker ps

Knowing the port that the image is running, just open the browser and type:



Any questions contact the developer by email: [email protected]


A docker image with R packages to analyze Single-Cell RNA-Seq data






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