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This repo is a simple client for the GitHub Rest V3 API.

I didn't find a full API on one page, so I gathered it from many pages. You might have to put API details into a JSON file yourself. Check out api.json to see how.

You can find the documents here.

How to Use

Please refer to ./example


I use yason for json parser, dexador for http client.


This repo has already been deployed to quicklisp. You can simply use (ql:quickload "github-api-cl") to install it.

Read api.json file

Suppose we have api.json looks like:

    "repositories": {
        "repositories": {
          "List repositories for a user": {
                "parameters": [
                  ["type", "string"],
                "api": "GET /users/:username/repos",
                "link": ""


;; load system first
(ql:quickload "github-api-cl")

;; read api.json in this repo, path var is github-api-doc::*api-json-file-path*
(github-api-doc:read-api-json) ;; => return a hashtable of this json

;; OR you can give path specially
(github-api-doc:read-api-json #P"/path/to/api.json")

Generate api instance

After read api.json file, you can generate api instance by using github-api-doc:make-api-doc-from-json


;; read api.json
(defparameter *api-docs* (github-api-doc:read-api-json))

;; &rest arguments are the steps of reading json
(defparameter *api-doc* (github-api-doc:make-api-doc-from-json *api-docs* "repositories" "repositories" "List repositories for a user"))

;; Get api-doc: 
;;api-doc object:
;;  api: GET /users/:username/repos,
;;  http method: GET,
;;  slots: (:username),
;;  fmt-control: (/users/~a/repos)
;;  parameters: ((type string) (sort string) (direction string))

;; OR, you can make instance manually
(setf *api-doc* (make-instance 'api-doc
                               :api "GET /users/:username/repos"
                               :parameters '(("type" "string") 
                                             ("sort" "string") 
                                             ("direction" "string")))

The api.json file is very flexible as it's just a JSON file. You don't have to stick to the GitHub API structure if you don't want to. The only part that github-api-cl is concerned with is this section:

  "parameters": [
    ["type", "string"],
  "api": "GET /users/:username/repos",

You can read this json file and (github-api-doc:make-api-doc-from-json (github-api-doc:read-api-json #P"this-simple-api.json"))

Make github-api client

Making github-api client:

;; make instance of api-client
(defparameter *client-without-token* (make-instance 'github-client:api-client))

;; if you have token for github rest api call, make like this
(defparameter *client-with-token* (make-instance 'github-client:api-client :token "123"))

Call api

With client and api, now we can call api in our code:

;; call api with client and api we made before
(github-client:github-api-call *client-without-token*

;;; REPL will ask you to input `:username`, `type`, `sort`, and `direction`
;;; Then, it will return the dex:http-response, you can find this MULTIPLE-VALUEs 
;;; return format in

;; call POST method api with additional :content keyword
(github-client:github-api-call *client-without-token*
                               :headers '((header0 . value0) (header1 . value1))
                               :content "this argument pass to dexador directly")

github-api-call will call api with the default headers '(("Accept" . "application/vnd.github+json")). Any other headers pass to :headers will been added ("Accept" . "application/vnd.github+json").

From now, github-api-cl's job is done, left all http response back to you, you can do whatever you want.

Wait, if you do not want REPL ask you to input every slots and parameters:

(github-client:github-api-call *client-without-token*
                               :username "lisp"
                               :type "public"
                               :direction "test"
                               :neither-slots-nor-parameter 1) ;; last keyword is redundant

With keywords input, REPL won't ask you anything, just call\"public\"&direction=\"test\".

As example shows, :username fills api slot, :type & :direction are used for parameters. Meanwhile :neither-slots-nor-parameter doesn't play any role in this API.

For POST method api, :content is the keyword for add the content. It pass to :content keyword of dexador's POST method. Check ./example/github-gist-cl to find how to create the gist.


Token, user-name, and passd

When you need authorization, you can include :token, :user-name and :passd in github-client:github-api-call as keywords.

Here's how it works:

  • If you input :token, will use token you provided
  • If no :token given but client has token already, it will use token stored in client
  • If neither :token nor client's token is given, but has :passd keyword, will use :user-name & passd as authorization. (I just assume you give :user-name too, when you give :passd)