The Split, HSplit, and VSplit views and associated modifiers let you:
- Create a single view containing two views, arranged in a horizontal (side-by-side)
or vertical (above-and-below)
separated by a draggablesplitter
for resizing. - Specify the
of full width/height for the initial position of the splitter. - Programmatically
either view and change theirlayout
. - Arbitrarily nest split views.
- Constrain the splitter movement by specifying minimum fractions of the full width/height for either or both views.
- Prioritize either of one the views to maintain its width/height as the containing view changes size.
- Easily save the state of
, andhide
so a split view opens in its last state between application restarts. - Use your own custom
or the default Splitter. - Make splitters "invisible" (i.e., zero
) but still draggable for resizing. - Monitor splitter movement in realtime, providing a simple way to create a custom slider.
NavigationSplitView is fine for a sidebar and for applications that conform to a nice master-detail type of model. On the other hand, sometimes you just need two views to sit side-by-side or above-and-below each other and to adjust the split between them. You also might want to compose split views in ways that make sense in your own application context.
This demo is available in the Demo directory as SplitDemo.xcodeproj.
Install the package.
- To split two views horizontally, use an HSplit view.
- To split two views vertically, use a VSplit view.
- To split two views whose layout can be changed between horizontal and vertical, use a Split view.
Note: You can also use the .split
, .vSplit
, and .hSplit
view modifiers that come
with the package to create a Split, VSplit, and HSplit view if that makes more sense to you.
See the discussion in Style.
Once you have created a Split, HSplit, or VSplit view, you can use view modifiers on them to:
- Specify the initial fraction of the overall width/height that the left/top side should occupy.
- Identify a side that can be hidden and unhidden.
- Adjust the style of the default Splitter, including its color and thickness.
- Place constraints on the minimum fraction each side occupies and which side should be prioritized (i.e., remain fixed in size) as the containing view's size changes.
- Provide a custom splitter.
- Be able to toggle layout between horizontal and vertical. This modifier is only available for the Split view, since HSplit and VSplit remain in a horizontal or vertical layout by definition.
In its simplest form, the HSplit and VSplit views look like this:
HSplit(left: { }, right: { })
VSplit(top: { }, bottom: { })
The HSplit is a horizontal split view, evenly split between red on the left and green on the right. The VSplit is a vertical split view, evenly split between red on the top and green on the bottom. Both views use a default splitter between them that can be dragged to change the red and green view sizes.
If you want to set the the initial position of the splitter, you can use the
modifier. Here it is being used with a VSplit view:
VSplit(top: { }, bottom: { })
Now you get a red view above the green view, with the top occupying 1/4 of the window.
Often you want to hide/show one of the views you split. You can do this by specifying
the side to hide. Specify the side using a SplitSide. For an HSplit view, you can
identify the side using .left
or .right
. For a VSplit view, you can use .top
or .bottom
. For a Split view (where the layout can change), use .primary
. In fact, .left
, .top
, and .primary
are all synonyms and can be
used interchangably. Similarly, .right
, .bottom
, and .secondary
are synonyms.
Here is an HSplit view that hides the right side when it opens:
HSplit(left: { }, right: { })
The green side will be hidden, but you can pull it open using the splitter that will be visible on the right. This isn't usually what you want, though. Usually you want your users to be able to control whether a side is hidden or not. To do this, pass the SideHolder ObservableObject that holds onto the side you are hiding. Similarly the SplitView package comes with a FractionHolder and LayoutHolder. Under the covers, the Split view observes all of these holders and redraws itself if they change.
Here is an example showing how to use the SideHolder with a Button to hide/show the right (green) side:
struct ContentView: View {
let hide = SideHolder() // By default, don't hide any side
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
Button("Toggle Hide") {
withAnimation {
hide.toggle() // Toggle between hiding nothing and hiding right
HSplit(left: { }, right: { })
Note that the hide
modifier accepts a SplitSide or a SideHolder. Similarly, layout
can be passed as a SplitLayout - .horizontal
or .vertical
- or as a LayoutHolder.
And fraction
can be passed as a CGFloat or as a FractionHolder.
Split views themselves can be split. Here is an example where the right side of an HSplit is a VSplit that has an HSplit at the bottom:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
left: { },
right: {
top: { },
bottom: {
left: { },
right: { Color.yellow }
And here is one where an HSplit contains two VSplits:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
left: {
VSplit(top: { }, bottom: { })
right: {
VSplit(top: { Color.yellow }, bottom: { })
The three holders - SideHolder, LayoutHolder, and FractionHolder - all come with a
static method to return instances that get/set their state from UserDefaults.standard.
Let's expand the previous example to be able to change the layout
and hide
and to get/set their values from UserDefaults. Note that if you want to adjust the
, you need to use a Split view, not HSplit or VSplit. We create the Split view
by specifying the primary
and secondary
views. When the SplitLayout held by the
LayoutHolder (layout
) is .horizontal
, the primary
view is on the left side, and
the secondary
view is on the right. When the SplitLayout toggles to vertical
, the
view is on the top, and the secondary
view is on the bottom.
struct ContentView: View {
let fraction = FractionHolder.usingUserDefaults(0.5, key: "myFraction")
let layout = LayoutHolder.usingUserDefaults(.horizontal, key: "myLayout")
let hide = SideHolder.usingUserDefaults(key: "mySide")
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
HStack {
Button("Toggle Layout") {
withAnimation {
Button("Toggle Hide") {
withAnimation {
Split(primary: { }, secondary: { })
The first time you open this, the sides will be split 50-50, but as you drag the
splitter, the fraction
state is also retained in UserDefaults.standard.
You can change the layout
and hide/show the green view, and when you next open
the app, the fraction
, hide
, and layout
will all be restored how you left them.
You can change the way the default Splitter displays using the styling
For example, you can change the color, inset, and thickness:
HSplit(left: { }, right: { })
.styling(color: Color.cyan, inset: 4, visibleThickness: 8)
By default, the splitter can be dragged across the full width/height of the split
view. The constraints
modifier lets you constrain the minimum faction of the
overall view that the "primary" and/or "secondary" view occupies, so the
splitter always stays within those constraints. You can do this by specifying
and/or minSFraction
. The minPFraction
refers to left
in HSplit and top in VSplit, while minSFraction
refers to right in HSplit and
bottom in VSplit:
HSplit(left: { }, right: { })
.constraints(minPFraction: 0.2, minSFraction: 0.2)
One thing to note is that if you specify minPFraction
or minSFraction
, then when
you hide a side that has its minimum fraction specified, you won't be able to drag
it out from its hidden state. Why? Because it doesn't make sense to be able to drag
from the hidden side when you never could have dragged it to that location to begin
with because of the constraint. As soon as you tried to drag it, the splitter
would snap to an allowed position, which is also jarring to users. To make sure
there is no visual confusion about whether a splitter can be dragged, the splitter
will not be shown at all when it is not draggable. Again: a splitter will only be
non-draggable when a side is hidden and the corresponding minPFraction
is specified.
By default the Split, HSplit, and VSplit views all use the default Splitter view. You can
create your own and use it, though. Your custom splitter should conform to SplitDivider
protocol, which makes sure your custom splitter can let the Split view know what its
is. The visibleThickness
is the size your custom splitter displays
itself in, and it also defines the spacing between the primary
and secondary
views inside
of Split view.
The Split view detects drag events occurring in the splitter. For this reason, you might want
to use a ZStack with an underlying Color.clear that represents the invisibleThickness
the visibleThickness
is too small for properly detecting the drag events.
Here is an example custom splitter whose contents is sensitive to the observed layout
and hide
struct CustomSplitter: SplitDivider {
var visibleThickness: CGFloat = 20
@ObservedObject var layout: LayoutHolder
@ObservedObject var hide: SideHolder
let hideRight = Image(systemName: "arrowtriangle.right.square")
let hideLeft = Image(systemName: "arrowtriangle.left.square")
let hideDown = Image(systemName: "arrowtriangle.down.square")
let hideUp = Image(systemName: "arrowtriangle.up.square")
var body: some View {
if layout.isHorizontal {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 30) // Larger than the visibleThickness
action: { withAnimation { hide.toggle() } },
label: {
hide.value == nil ? hideRight.imageScale(.large) : hideLeft.imageScale(.large)
} else {
ZStack {
.frame(height: 30)
action: { withAnimation { hide.toggle() } },
label: {
hide.value == nil ? hideDown.imageScale(.large) : hideUp.imageScale(.large)
.contentShape(Rectangle()) // So the drag event is detected for the entire splitter
You can use the CustomSplitter like this:
struct ContentView: View {
let layout = LayoutHolder()
let hide = SideHolder()
var body: some View {
Split(primary: { }, secondary: { })
.splitter { CustomSplitter(layout: layout, hide: hide) }
If you make a custom splitter that would be generally useful to people, consider filing
a pull request for an additional Splitter extension in Splitter+Extensions.swift.
The line
Splitter is included in the file as an example that is used in the "Sidebars"
demo. Similarly, the invisible
Splitter re-uses the line
splitter by passing a
of zero and is used in the "Invisible splitter" demo.
You might want the views you split to be adjustable using the splitter, but for the splitter
itself to be invisible. For example, a "normal" sidebar doesn't show a splitter between itself
and the detail view it sits next to. You can do this by passing Splitter.invisible()
as the
custom splitter.
One thing to watch out for with an invisible splitter is that when a side is hidden, there
is no visual indication that it can be dragged back out. To prevent this issue, you should
specify minPFraction
and minSFraction
when using Splitter.invisible()
struct ContentView: View {
let hide = SideHolder()
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
Button("Toggle Hide") {
withAnimation {
hide.toggle() // Toggle between hiding nothing and hiding secondary
HSplit(left: { }, right: { })
.constraints(minPFraction: 0.2, minSFraction: 0.2)
.splitter { Splitter.invisible() }
You can specify a callback for the split view to execute as you drag the splitter. The
callback reports the privateFraction
being tracked; i.e., the fraction of the full
width/height occupied by the left/top side. Specify the callback using the onDrag(_:)
modifier for any of the split views.
Here is an example of a DemoSlider that uses the onDrag(_:)
modifier to update
a Text view showing the percentage each side is occupying.
struct DemoSlider: View {
@State private var privateFraction: CGFloat = 0.5
var body: some View {
left: {
ZStack {
Text(percentString(for: .left))
right: {
ZStack {
Text(percentString(for: .right))
.onDrag { fraction in privateFraction = fraction }
.frame(width: 400, height: 30)
/// Return a string indicating the percentage occupied by `side`
func percentString(for side: SplitSide) -> String {
var percent: Int
if side.isPrimary {
percent = Int(round(100 * privateFraction))
} else {
percent = Int(round(100 * (1 - privateFraction)))
// Empty string if the side will be too small to show it
return percent < 10 ? "" : "\(percent)%"
It looks like this:
When you want a sidebar type of arrangement using HSplit views, you often want
the sidebar to maintain its width as you resize the overall view. You might
have the same need with a VSplit, too. If you have two sidebars, you may want
to slide either one while the opposing one stays the same width. You can
accomplish this by specifying a priority
side (either .left
) in the constraints
Here is an example that has a red left sidebar and green right sidebar surrounding a
yellow middle view. As you drag either splitter, the other stays fixed. Under the covers,
the Split view is adjusting the proportion between primary
and secondary
to keep the
splitter in the same place. You will also see that as you resize the window, both
sidebars maintain their width.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
left: { },
right: {
left: { Color.yellow },
right: { }
.constraints(priority: .right)
.constraints(priority: .left)
Note that in the example above, the two sidebars have the same width, which is 0.2 of the overall width, even though the fractions specified for the left and right sides are 0.2 and 0.75 respectively. This is because the left side of the outer HSplit is 0.2 of the overall width, leaving 0.8 to divide in the inner HSplit. The left side of the inner HSplit is 0.75*0.8 or 0.6 of the overall width, leaving the right side of the inner HSplit to be 0.2 of the overall width.
The heart of the implementation here is the Split view. VSplit and HSplit are really convenience and clarity wrappers around Split. There is probably not a big need for most people to be able to adjust layout dynamically, which is really the only reason to use Split directly.
Although ultimately Split has to deal in width and height, the math of adjusting the
layout is the same whether its primary
is at the left or top and its secondary
at the right or bottom.
The main piece of state that changes in Split view is privateFraction
. This is the
fraction of the overall width/height occupied by the primary
view. It changes as you
drag the splitter. When you hide/show, it does not change, because it holds the state
needed to restore-to when a hidden view is shown again. The Split view monitors changes
to its size. The size changes when its containing view changes size (e.g., resizing a
window on the Mac or when nested in another Split view whose splitter is dragged).
The three views, Split, HSplit, and VSplit all support the same modifiers
to adjust fraction
, hide
, styling
, constraints
, and splitter
. The Split
view also has a modifier for layout
(which is also used by HSplit and VSplit)
and a few convenience modifiers used by HSplit and VSplit.
After going all-in on a View modifier style to return a single Split-type of view for any View it is invoked on, I read an article by John Sundell that illustrated some of the "problematic" issues associated with view modifiers creating different container views. As a result, I reconsidered my approach. I'm still using view modifiers extensively, but now they operate on an explicit Split, HSplit, or VSplit container, and always return the same type of view they modify. I think this makes usage a lot more clear in the end.
If you prefer the idea of a View modifier to kick off your Split, HSplit, or VSplit creation, you can still use: { } // Returns an HSplit { } // Returns a VSplit { } // Returns a Split
instead of:
HSplit(left: { }, right: { } )
VSplit(top: { }, bottom: { } )
Split(primary: { }, secondary: { })
The only issue I am aware of is what appears to be a harmless log message when dragging the Splitter to cause a view size to go to zero. The message shows up in the Xcode console as:
[API] cannot add handler to 3 from 3 - dropping
I don't see this message when using Split views with "real" SwiftUI views and have tried many different ways to prevent it, but in the end, it just seems like a harmless but annoying log message that is beyond the control of anyone but Apple.
I might add a few things but would be very happy to accept pull requests! For example, a split view that adapted to device orientation and form factors somewhat like NavigationSplitView would be useful.
- Add onDrag modifier to be able to monitor and respond to splitter movement. Update README accordingly.
- Incompatible change from Version 2 to change from an extensive set of View modifiers to explicit use of Split, HSplit, and VSplit. Most of the previous version's
View modifiers have been removed in this version. - Modify the DemoApp to use the new Split, HSplit, and VSplit approach. Functionality is unchanged.
- Incompatible change from Version 1 in split enums. SplitLayout cases change from
. SplitSide cases change from.Primary
. - Add ability to specify a side (
) that has sizingpriority
. The size of thepriority
side remains unchanged as its containing view resizes. Ifpriority
is not specified - the default - then the proportion betweenprimary
is maintained. This enables proper sidebar type of behavior, where changing one sidebar's size does not affect the other. - Add a sidebar demo showing the use of
- Generalize the way configuration of SplitView properties are handled using SplitConfig, which can optionally be passed to the
modifier. There is a minor compatibility change in that properties such ascolor
must be passed to the default Splitter using SplitConfig. - Allow minimum fractions -
- to be configured in SplitConfig to constrain the size of theprimary
views. - If a minimum fraction is specified for a side and that side is hidden, then the splitter will be hidden, too. The net effect of this change is that the hidden side cannot be dragged open when it is hidden and a minimum fraction is specified for a side. It can still be unhidden by changing its SideHolder. Under these conditions, the unhidden side occupies the full width/height when the other is hidden, without any inset for the splitter.
Make layout adjustable. Clean up and formalize the SplitDemo, including the custom splitter and "invisible" splitter. Update the README.
Eliminates the use of the clear background and SizePreferenceKeys. (My suspicion is they were needed earlier because GeometryReader otherwise caused bad behavior, but in any case they are not needed now.) Eliminate HSplitView and VSplitView, which were themselves holding onto a SplitView. The layering was both unnecessary and not adding value other than making it explicit what kind of SplitView was being created. I concluded that the same expression was actually clearer and more concise using ViewModifiers. I also added the Example.xcworkspace.
Originally posted in response to This version used HSplitView and VSplitView as a means to create the SplitView. It also used SizePreferenceKeys from a GeometryReader on a clear background to set the size. In nested SplitViews, I found this was causing "Bound preference ... tried to update multiple times per frame" to happen intermittently depending on the view arrangement.