Allows health and human service WordPress websites the ability search community resources utilizing the Visionlink URL link structure.
In July 2018 Washington State 2-1-1 migrated the Community Resources Directory Visionlink Community OS.
This plugin was developed to allow curated VL search links to change the zipcode.
The plugin offers the following features:
- Shortcode
adds a form to any Wordpress Page or Post - Form includes an autofill keyword search, autofill location, and search button to execute the search
- Plugin converts any link following the specified format (see Usage section) with location data
- Download '' from
- From the Plugins menu in your Wordpress Admin area select 'Add New' and press the 'Upload Plugin' button and upload the .zip
- Alternately extract and upload 'wa211-search-plugin' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins' directory
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
To add a basic search form to your Wordpress based site add the following shortcode to a page or post.
This will create a basic form where a user can enter a keyword search, set their location, and a search button to initiate the search.
Shortcodes cannot be used in sidebars or as widgets without the use of other plugins. Instead of using the shortcode, you can add a keyword and location search form to a sidebar or other locations. Place a Text Widget into your sidebar and include the following html code.
<form id="211-keyword" name="211-keyword" action="wp-content/plugins/win211-search-plugin/public/php/211search_keyprocess.php" method="post" target="_new" method="get">
<p><input type="text" name="city" id="city" value="" placeholder="Location" />
<input type="text" name="geocoor" id="geocoor" value="" />
<input type="text" name="region" id="region" value=""/>
<input type="submit" value="Search" id="search">
The data-relativeurl=
restates the tax_id
. When a location is selected in the [wa211search]
location form this plugin reassembles the url consisting of the city and zipcode, geocoordinates, county, and the data-relavtiveurl=
- Updated code for PHP 7.1 Compatability
- Updated incontact email addresses on city lookup to populate contact form
- Added incontact email addresses to city lookup to populate contact form
- Updated to latest taxonomy released Jan 4th, 2018
- Updated to latest taxonomy released Oct 2nd, 2017
- Address potential security issue.
- Fixes issue with Topic links with included Features or Regions to have a question mark appended.
- Increase autosuggest of both cities and keywords to 10 entries.
- Updated to new taxonomy table as of 03-20-2017.
- Added Counties to autosuggest list. Data from US Census.
- Added YH Codes to suggestion list.
- Fixes issue with overlapping citites and zipcodes.
- Added level 2-6 taxonomy terms, broadening the availablility of terms to the user.
- Sets link and keyword searches to be displayed in ascending order rather than default tiered sort.
- Includes plugin update script for updating within WordPress
- Fixes release information
- Convert static links to dynamic php links using Wordpress plugin_url
- Edited shortcode to work with dynamic directory path
- Fixed citiespath in javascript to use dynamic url path
- Renamed demo_ files to 211search_
- Initial release
- Added url constructing code for taxonomy links.
- Added taxonomy documentation to readme files with examples
- Added documentation for creating links for both keyword and taxonomy searches
- Added documentation on adding features and needed link structures
- Updated README.txt and
- Added jquery-ui styling from CDN
- Added region selector to keyword and url search
- Populated autocomplete keyword list from used taxonomy
- Updated code to reflect the new domain
- Removed Minnesota Locations from autocomplete
- Shortcode functionality added to plugin
- Build url code added and edited, plugin now functioning
- Repository initiated, code rolled in to plugin
- Create an issue describing a problem or discuss your idea
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Publish the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- Profit!
See Contributors
Released under the GPLv2.
You can donate to this project and WIN211 by visiting