by Cesar Inacio Martins - informix at imartins.com.br
About this Template_Informix
This template was created , tested and used successfully
on Zabbix 6.2.0 (rpm opensuse 15.4 ) monitoring multiple
Informix v12.10 FC12 running over Red Hat 7.4 .
They objective was monitor Informix instances.
This template are 100% dependent of the shell script zabifx.sh
were this script use the "onstat" for all collect.
This template + script are capable to discovery all instances + dbspaces .
How use this template?
* Configure the zabbix agent on server where your Informix engine is running
(please, check the zabbix manual/wiki for this)
* Add the zabbix user to informix group to allow access onstat :
$ usermod zabbix -G informix -a
* Clone this GIT repository
$ cd /etc/zabbix
$ git clone https://github.com/ceinmart/zabifx.git zabifx.git
A subfolder "zabifx.git" should be created with the scripts there.
* Add the content of zabifx.git/zabbix-agentd.conf to your current Zabbix Agent config
cat zabifx.git/zabbix-agent.conf >> zabbix-agent.conf
* Link the scripts
$ cd /etc/zabbix
$ ln -s zabifx.git/zabifx.sh zabifx.sh
$ ln -s zabifx.git/env.ifx.sh env.ifx.sh
* Link or create a shell script to set your Informix enviroment
/etc/zabbix/env.ifx.sh or /home/informix/env.ifx.sh
* Logged with zabbix user, test if the script is working :
$ /etc/zabbix/zabifx.sh instances -
They should return something like :
| {"data":[{ "{#IFXSERVER}":"ifxvserv1","{#IFXSERVERSTATUS}":"Up","{#IFXMSGPATH}":"/opt/informix/tmp/ifxserv1.log"}]}
* Restart the zabbix agent.
$ systemctl restart zabbix-agentd
* On Zabbix Server, with admin user, import the template:
go to Configuration -> Templates -> Import (button, top right of screen)
* On Host configurations, locate your host and link the template with it.
You need to wait the discovery run (the default interval for this
template is 2 hours) or you can force selecting the discovery item and click on "check now" button.
On "lastest data" page of your zabbix server, should appear applications like :
| Informix Database (5 Items)
| Informix Database - cluster (3 Items)
| Informix Database - dbspaces (164 Items)
| Informix Database - I/O (4 Items)
| Informix Database - Memory (10 Items)
| Informix Database - profile (21 Items)
| Informix Database - sessions (4 Items)
| Informix Database - VPs (13 Items)
10/oct/2018 - Rewrite to work only with "onstat" , without SNMP service.
20/jun/2013 - Correction on template, two items have wrong keys (Physical Log)
Added new trigger for sessions in waits (not lock wait)
18/jun/2013 - Correction on zabifx script, where miscalculate the uptime
information when the engine is less 1 day up and miscalculate
the minutes.
08/ago/2013 - Changed the template and zabifx scripts.
added item to monitor # of threads ready (onstat -g rea) into the
template and zabifx
Little change of priority on Sessions in wait trigger