This single App was built for the Udacity React Nanodegree Program. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate understanding of the basic structure and operation of a React-based app as:
- Reuseable Component
- Sharing data between component
- State
The project uses Node.js and the Create-React-App starter so before start do all steps you should first install NodeJS in your system so you can see your version node "node -v" in your console syste.
If you need to try the project:
- git clone
- npm install
- Once all of the dependencies have been installed you can launch the app with
- npm start
- navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
Resources and Documentation:
- Create-react-app Documentation
- React Router Documentation
- React Training/React Router
- React API
- Heroku
Udacity Resources:
- Project starter template
- Project Rubric
- Udacity CSS Style Guide
- Udacity HTML Style Guide
- Udacity JavaScript Style Guide