Mongoose 7.10
This release adds fixes and improvements, new examples, and improved support for STM32Cube and ARM Keil MDK
Important Changes
- Introduced a lock-free queue for inter-process communications purposes. See . The back-to-back socket pipe mg_mkpipe() will be deprecated in Mongoose 7.11 release.
- Proprietary extensions for mg_*printf() have been removed, only %m and %M remain. Former %Q, %A, etc. functionality is now handled by helper functions called via these extensions
- Added support for user properties in MQTT
- Added STM32H7 driver for built-in TCP/IP stack, with examples
- Added RNDIS support for TM4C1294 with built-in TCP/IP stack
- Makefiles now support development in Windows 10/11
- Added support for ARM Compiler 6 in Keil MDK
- Introduced many ARM Keil MDK examples for STM32F746
- Introduced several STM32CubeIDE examples
- Documentation has been integrated with tutorials at
- Negative Content-Length header issue fixed, CVE-2023-34188
Minor changes
- Documentation fixes
- OpenSSL TLS SNI bug fixed
- content-length header in mg_http_reply() bug fixed
- Print floating point number bug fixed
- Bind IPv4 and IPv6 sockets on the same port bug fixed
- UDP listener not working bug in built-in TCP/IP stack fixed
- Content length issue fixed
- Honor Accept-Encoding when serving .gz files
- Improved error handling in MDK (RL) TCP/IP stack
- Improved building of FreeRTOS+ TCP in supported platforms
- Added support for 10Mbps and half-duplex in built-in embedded drivers
- Embedded ARM MCU examples now use standard CMSIS headers
- Added i.MX RT1020 driver for built-in TCP/IP stack
- STM32F examples now use the RNG
- Improved coverage tests