In the recent years, Precision Agriculture has become a fast-growing research topic including its potential applications thanks to the arise of Deep Learning. Subsequently, more precise solutions involving fruit-counting algorithms are being implemented with respect to the classical methods launched previous years. In this work, an apple counting model based on Deep Learning techniques using tracking algorithms is proposed in order to face problems when recounting as occlusions. In this repo, a modification of state-of-the art algorithms is performed by including distance and depth information to the videos.
In the near future, more fruit production will be manufactured on less land due to the overpopulation of the planet. In order to achieve sustainable agriculture in the coming years to reduce production costs, it will be necessary to monitor the plantations and extract interesting information from them. The food generating sector is one of the leading occupations among the people in rural areas lacks due to underdeveloped methodologies or use of outdated know-how. For that reason, PA (Precision Agriculture) is going to play an important role in the following years, as it will make possible to optimise the harvest thanks to new technologies and algorithms. For that reason, the development of object counting methods are a relevant topic in computer vision and in PA.
Overall, the goal of this repo is to develop a robust tracking methodology for fruit counting. The principal contribution will be to modify the state-of-the art tracking algorithms to include depth and infrared data. Apart of that, a benefit from this study will be taken to analyze and compare the algorithms to see which fruit tracking algorithm of those currently being used performs best.
The Dataset can be downloadable here. About its structure, it is divided in several folders, each one represents the title of a video. The videos are recorded with a vehicle that has the camera appended to it An example of a title of a folder is:
'videoname folder': 210726_170244_k_r2_a_015_225_162. The information parsed from this example is:
- 210726 - the date of the video
- 170244 - the time of the video
- k - kinect camera
- r2 - number of row of the apples in the field, r2 represents row 2
- a - all (e: east part of the trees, w: west part of the trees, a: both parts)
- 015 - Velocity of the vehicle scanning the apples (in km/h)
- 225 - Distance from the camera to the trees
- 162 - Distance of the sensor to the floor
Then, if we enter into a videoname folder it always follows the same structure, where we have two folders:
'images': contains all the images of the dataset that are labeled. The camera used is an Azure Kinect, it provides a color image a depth image and an infrared image for each frame (frame rate is 30fps). Images are stored in a folder named images, and they are placed in order (the first image in the folder is the first image labeled in the segmentation part).
'segmentation': contains the annotations of the dataset. It has the information about the apple's positions in the images (bboxes). The labels have been generated using the Supervisely web page, using a semiautomatic labeler (TransT). It has 6 archives:
- 'labels_yolo_format' folder: contains the labels in the yolo format in case they want to be used directly (bounding boxes in yolo format for each frame in .txt).
- 'labels_yolo_format+ids' folder: contains the labels in the yolo format and the ids of the apples in the frame in case they want to be used directly (bounding boxes in yolo format for each frame in .txt).
- ann.json: contains the annotations of the dataset. It has the information about the apple's positions in the images (bboxes). It should be the one that is used to perform the training, evaluation and testing, as it has all the needed information of the labeling done. The 'frame' variable refers to the frame labeled of the 'video.mp4' file.
- key_id_map.json: contains the mapping between the key of the annotations and the id of the images.
- meta.json: contains the metadata of the dataset.
- video.mp4: contains the video of the dataset.
The structure of the dataset is the following:
- Video_name_folder_1/
- Video_name_folder_i/
- images/
- image1_C.png
- image1_D.mat
- image1_I.mat
- ...
- imageN_C.png
- imageN_D.mat
- imageN_I.mat
- segmentation/
- labels_yolo_format/
- image1_C.txt
- image2_C.txt
- ...
- imageN_C.txt
- labels_yolo_format+ids/
- image1_C.txt
- image2_C.txt
- ...
- imageN_C.txt
- ann.json
- key_id_map.json
- meta.json
- video.mp4
A design of a modifiable and easy-to-use system is implemented. Two steps are needed to perform the analysis:
- Object detector: YOLOv5 is going to be used, due to its simplicity and the good results that provides. A training with the Apple tracking dataset will be performed in order to fine-tune the model to our domain. After performing the inference in YOLOv5 a set of detections are obtained with their respective confidences.
- Tracker: Every tracker takes a set of detections and confidences for each frame, and they are processed according to several algorithms. Three trackers are going to be analysed: SORT, deepSORT and Bytetrack. These trackers are widely-used in this field and they both use a motion model (Kalman) to track the objects in a video stream, with the difference that a Re-ID network is used in deepSORT. In the other hand, ByteTrack, follows the philosophy these two trackers but with one difference: the objects with low detection scores, e.g. occluded objects, are not thrown away.
Structured repository overview after cloning and performing the installations in the next section:
├── data
│ └── Apple_Tracking_db # Dataset to replicate the results of the article if desired
├── tools
│ ├── TrackEval # Cloned github repo to evaluate the trackers (Hota metric)
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── # Methods to manage the dataset, read and write files, etc.
│ ├── # Methods to evaluate the trackers
│ ├── # Read the segmentation files from dataset
│ ├── # Utilities
│ └── # Visualization of the results, dataset and trackers
└── yolov5_+_tracking
├── bytetrack # Cloned & modified github repo to perform the tracking of the apples using ByteTrack
├── models # Models uploaded here to use custom Re-ID networks
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── # Bytetrack files (some of them modified)
│ └── ...
├── deepsort # Cloned & modified github repo to perform the tracking of the apples using deepSORT
│ ├── # DeepSORT files (some of them modified)
│ └── ...
├── sort # Cloned & modified github repo to perform the tracking of the apples using SORT
│ └──
├── datasets # Yolo dataset to generate inference
├── results tracking # Results of the tracking of the apples
├── yolov5 # Cloned yolov5 github repo to perform the inference of the apples
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── ....yaml # Yaml file to perform the inference of the apples
│ ├── runs
│ │ ├── detect # Where inference will be automatically stored
│ │ └── train # Where yolo model should be stored
│ └── tools
└── # Main file to perform the tracking of the apples
These are the requirements needed to replicate the results of the article. If you just want to use the detection + tracking without the evaluation, less steps are needed:
Install requirements and create data folder.
pip install -r requirements.txt mkdir data
Download dataset and put it inside data/ folder.
Clone TrackEval repo:
cd tools git clone cd ..
Add Re-ID models:
mkdir yolov5_+_tracking/bytetrack/models
Download models and put it inside yolov5_+_tracking/bytetrack/models/ folder.
Prepare yolo dataset
mkdir yolov5_+_tracking/datasets python3 tools/ --create_yolo_dataset
Clone yolov5 repo:
cd yolov5_+_tracking git clone cd ..
Download .yaml and put it inside yolov5_+_tracking/yolov5/data/ folder.
Download trained model and put it inside yolov5_+_tracking/yolov5/runs/train/ folder.
To perform inference in yolo with trained model, run the following command:
python3 --weights runs/train/yolov5x_results/weights/ --source ../datasets/Apple_Tracking_db_yolo/test/images --data data/segmentacio_pomes.yaml --save-txt --save-conf
To perform the tracking once the inference is performed just call Read the following instuctions about the usage:
Required arguments:
--tracker_type Type of tracker (e.g. sort, bytetrack, deepsort)
Optional arguments:
Parameter | Default | Description |
reid | None | Use reid network to** track. If None, no reid network is used or use reid by default in deepsort case. |
partition | test | Partition where the results are computed => test, train or val. careful that this relates to what db you have done inference in yolo (name of the experiment) |
multiplier_frames | 1 | Number of frames to skip between each frame |
tracker_evaluation | False | If True, the metrics are computed for the tracker |
visualize_results | False | If True, the results are visualized in the images |
save_results | False | If True, the results are saved in a csv file and in a video |
An example using deepsort and the reid_applenet_resnet_triplet as Re-ID, evaluating and saving the results:
python3 --tracker_type deepsort --reid reid_applenet_resnet_triplet --tracker_evaluation True --save_results True
The final results after this procedure should have this look (with a higher frame rate and quality):
The article is avaliable at ....................