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This repository contains all source code for the CESSDA Data Catalogue web application.

Separate repositories are provided for backend architecture; harvester, indexer and Elasticsearch instance.

Quality - Software Maturity Level

The overall Software Maturity Level for this product and the individual scores for each attribute can be found in the SML file.


Node.js version 16 (LTS) is required to install and run this application.

You will need an existing local or remote Elasticsearch instance setup and running.

Quick Start

Please be aware of Known Issues (see bottom) before running.

  1. Check Prerequisites and install any required software.
  2. Clone the repository to your local workspace.
  3. Open a Command Prompt/Terminal window and navigate to the project root directory.
  4. Enter npm install to install the application and all required dependencies.
  5. Set the required environment variables (see Configuration below).
  6. Run the application using one of the following commands.
    • Development: npm run startdev
    • Production: npm run startprod (Requires the application to be built. See Building below.)

Building: In order to run the application in production, it must first be built using the npm run build command. This will compile assets into the /dist directory. This is not needed if the application is started with npm run startdev.
Updating: When fetching/pulling new builds it is recommended to run npm install again. This will ensure all locally installed dependencies match their development environment counterparts.
Testing: Tests can be run using npm run test. Code coverage will be reported in the /coverage directory.


The application can be configured using the following environment variables.

Environment Variable Default Value Description
PASC_DEBUG_MODE false Enables debug mode which outputs additional debugging information in the user interface and web browser console.
PASC_PORT 8088 The port number which will be used to access this web application.
PASC_ELASTICSEARCH_URL http://localhost:9200/ The web address of the Elasticsearch instance which powers all searches.
SEARCHKIT_ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME undefined The username to use when accessing a secured Elasticsearch cluster.
SEARCHKIT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD undefined The password to use when accessing a secured Elasticsearch cluster.
SEARCHKIT_LOG_LEVEL info The logging level used for server side events.
SEARCHKIT_SKOSMOS_URL The URL of the Skosmos instance that hosts ELSST.
SEARCHKIT_ELSST_VOCABULARY elsst-4 The name of the ELSST vocabulary within Skosmos.
SEARCHKIT_ELSST_URI_PREFIX The prefix to look for and replace in the result uri to also be able to add clang parameter.
SEARCHKIT_USE_JSON_LOGGING false Whether to log using JSON rather than plain text.

Set environment variables using the following syntax.

  • Windows: set PASC_PORT=80
  • macOS/Linux: export PASC_PORT=80
  • Dockerfile: ENV PASC_PORT=80

If running in a development environment using JetBrains WebStorm (see Tooling below), variables can be set within the IDE using this documentation.

Project Structure

This project follows a best practice structure for React+Redux applications. See the Redux documentation for an explanation on actions and reducers.

├── coverage            # The output directory for the code coverage report using the test command.
├── dist                # The output directory for compilation using the build command.
├── node_modules        # Third party packages and dependencies.
├── common              # Common source code, shared between the client and the server.
├── server              # Markup and source code for the Searchkit server.
└── src                 # Contains all source code and assets for the client.
    ├── actions         # Redux actions and action creators for state container.
    ├── components      # React user interface components.
    ├── containers      # React page container components.
    ├── img             # Image assets.
    ├── reducers        # Redux reducers for state container.
    ├── styles          # SASS files for styling.
    └── utilities       # Miscellaneous scripts and helpers.
├── tests               # Jest unit tests.
└── translations        # Language translations.

Technology Stack

Several frameworks are used in this application.

The primary programming language is TypeScript, with TSX extensions used for React component source code. See Tooling (below) for compatible IDEs.

Framework/Technology Description
JSX ECMAScript with XML-like syntax extensions.
React JavaScript library for building web applications.
Redux Predictable state container for JavaScript applications.
Searchkit React component library for Elasticsearch.
Babel JavaScript compiler for ECMAScript 6.
TypeScript Static type checker for JavaScript.
Webpack JavaScript module bundler.
Sass CSS extension language.
Bulma CSS framework based on Flexbox.
Jest JavaScript testing framework.
Enzyme JavaScript testing utility for React Components.
Winston JavaScript logging framework.

See package.json in the root directory for a full list of third party libraries used.


For development, the following software tools are recommended and have full support for the technologies/languages used in this project.

How To

Add a new language

  1. Create a new language file in the /translations directory, using the 2 letter language ISO code for the file name. It is recommended to copy the English file en.json and use that as a template/starting point.
  2. Add your translations to the new file. Basic HTML mark-up is supported but its use should be limited. Some strings use variables which are defined as %(VARIABLE)s. Do not modify the JSON structure or object keys.
  3. Notify the application about this new file by adding it to the languages array defined in /src/utilities/language.ts. It is expected that each language will have its own Elasticsearch index. Use the following syntax:
  code: 'code',          // The 2 letter ISO code for this language.
  label: 'label',        // The native label for this language.
  index: 'cmmstudy_code' // The Elasticsearch index containing data for this language.

Translations can be displayed in mark-up using <Translate content="filters.topic.label"/> where the content attribute is the JSON path to the specific string required.

Add a new field

  1. Each study retrieved from Elasticsearch is first routed through the getStudyModel() function located in /common/metadata.ts. This cleans the data and applies type restrictions. Add the new field to the object returned from this method. Like other fields, it should be provided from Elasticsearch as a child property of the data._source object.
  2. If the field should be displayed on the search page for each result, modify the /src/components/Result.tsx component. Add additional HTML mark-up as necessary and the new field will be available as a child property of the item object. For example <p>{item.newField}</p>.
  3. If the field should be displayed on the study detail page, modify the /src/components/Detail.tsx component. Add additional HTML mark-up as necessary and the new field will be available as a child property of the item object. For example <p>{item.newField}</p>.
  4. Remember to add new strings to the translations located in /src/locales if necessary (i.e. for the new field label etc.)
  5. Remember to modify the getJsonLd() function if you want the new field to be available in the JSON-LD Schema (see how to Modify JSON-LD below).

Modify search filters

All search filters are located in /src/containers/SearchPage.tsx.

  1. Configure Elasticsearch CMMStudy fields to filter on:
    • The field and fieldOptions attributes are used to map to Elasticsearch fields.
    • Add additional mark-up for new filters as necessary.
  2. Configure the number of items returned in the filters by changing the following field (Generally we have set these to 500):
      size={500}  // < -- Change number Here

The Searchkit UI framework provides several filter controls and documentation can be found at

Modify sorting fields

The list of available fields for sorting can be modified in the options attribute in /src/components/Topbar.tsx.

Modify Elasticsearch queries

All queries performed against Elasticsearch are defined in one file for easy modification. See /src/utilities/searchkit.ts.

Modify JSON-LD (used by Google Dataset search)

  1. General organisation information and social media links are generated for every page. JSON-LD can be modified in /src/components/Footer.tsx.
  2. Dataset metadata is generated on the detail page for a single study record. JSON-LD can be modified in /common/metadata.ts using method getJsonLd(). This method takes a study returned from getStudyModel() as its input.

Google documentation on supported dataset JSON-LD properties can be found at

See cessda.cdc.versions README for more details regarding adding UI languages, indexes etc.


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See Semantic Versioning for guidance.


You can find the list of contributors in the CONTRIBUTORS file.


See the LICENSE file.