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rmcclosk committed Aug 20, 2014
1 parent 7f1420e commit 247c408
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Showing 14 changed files with 961 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use autodie qw(:all);

use File::Rsync;

use Settings;

my $settings = new Settings();

# Generate the report
my $command = "perl";

# Copy to distribution path
my $rsync = new File::Rsync({
archive => 1,
delete => 1
src => 'reports/',
exclude => [''],
dest => $settings->{'dist_path'}}) or die("Rsync failed $!");
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Results written to working/* with the current date

use strict;
use autodie qw(:all);
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use POSIX::strptime qw(strptime);
use Settings;
use File::Copy qw(copy);

# takes a string and date format
# returns a time-tuple
sub parse_date {
my ($mday, $mon, $year) = (strptime($_[0], $_[1]))[3,4,5];
return (0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon, $year, 0, 0, 0);

my $settings = new Settings();
$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $settings->{'env_oracle_home'};
my $db=DBI->connect(
{RaiseError => 1});

+# Get latest run date.
my $query = "SELECT MAX(TO_DATE(L.RUNNAME, 'DD-MON-YY')) " .
"FROM $settings->{'schema'}.Lab_Miseq_Run L ";
my $sth = $db->prepare($query);
my @lastRunInDB = parse_date($sth->fetchrow(), '%d-%b-%y');

# Only report on runs we haven't done before.
# TODO: this seems like an amaturish solution.
my @lastRunReported = undef;
my $timestamp = undef;
my ($mday, $mon, $year) = undef;;
if (-e "last_run.txt") {
open $timestamp, "<last_run.txt";
@lastRunReported = parse_date(<$timestamp>, $settings->{'date_format'});
if (@lastRunReported && @lastRunReported == @lastRunInDB) {
print "Reports up to date. Not creating a new report.\n";
exit 0;

my $fileName = strftime($settings->{'date_format'}, localtime) . ".csv";
my $dir = "working";
unless (-e $dir) { mkdir($dir); }
open(my $output, ">$dir/$fileName");

# Dump data to a CSV file.
$query = "SELECT L.RUNNAME, R.*, I.* FROM $settings->{'schema'}.Lab_MiSeq_Run L " .
"LEFT JOIN $settings->{'schema'}.MiSeqQC_RunParameters R " .
"LEFT JOIN $settings->{'schema'}.MiSeqQC_InterOpSummary I " .
$sth = $db->prepare($query);

print $output join(",", @{$sth->{NAME}}) . "\n";
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
@row = map { defined($_)? $_ : "NA" } @row;
print $output join(",", @row) . "\n";

# Generate report from csv, and move it to /reports, and delete the csv file
my $sitesFolder = $settings->{'sites_path'};
my $folderName = strftime($settings->{'date_format'}, localtime);
my $reportFolder = "$sitesFolder/$folderName";
unless (-e $reportFolder) { mkdir($reportFolder); }

system("/usr/bin/env Rscript 2_generate_report.R $dir/$fileName $reportFolder > /dev/null 2>&1");
rename("report.html", "$reportFolder/index.html");
copy("R2HTML.css", "$reportFolder/R2HTML.css");
unlink("$dir/$fileName"); # delete csv

open $timestamp, ">last_run.txt";
print $timestamp strftime($settings->{'date_format'}, @lastRunInDB);

280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions 2_generate_report.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript


# Settings/constants #

# Absolute paths to make this R script launchd / crontab friendly
currPath = "./"
scriptName = "2_generate_report.R"

# Customization.
clusterdensity.min <- 500
clusterdensity.max <- 1200

# Plot settings.
plotWidth <- 800
plotHeight <- 500
plotColor <- c("black", "forestgreen")
plotType <- "o"
plotLwd <- 2
plotPch <- c(16, 17)
flagColor <- c("red", "red")
flagPch <- c(1, 17)
plotColumns <- 3
plotRows <- 2

# Westgard rules in use (defined in westgard.R).
westgardRules <- c(westgard.1_3s, westgard.2_2s, westgard.4_1s, westgard.R4s, westgard.10x)

# Data-related/utility functions #

westgard <- function (x) {
z <- standardize(x)
Reduce("|", lapply(westgardRules, function (rule) rule(z)))

# Format a number for display in a table.
table.format <- function (n) {
formatC(n, format="f", digits=2)

# Scale down outliers which are more than dev.max standard deviations
# away from the mean.
shrink.outliers <- function(x, dev.max) {
xmean <- mean(x)
xsd <- sd(x)
xmin <- xmean - dev.max*xsd
xmax <- xmean + dev.max*xsd
x[x < xmin] <- xmin
x[x > xmax] <- xmax

# Plotting-related functions #

# Add circles to indicate points have been flagged.
flag.points <- function (x, y, flags, pch, col) {
points(x[flags], y[flags], pch=pch, cex=2, lwd=2, col=col)

# Add reference lines for different standard deviation values <- function (y) {
my.mean <- mean(y) <- sd(y)
abline(h=my.mean, lwd=2)
abline(h=my.mean +, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="green3")
abline(h=my.mean -, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="green3")
abline(h=my.mean + 2*, lty="longdash", lwd=2, col="darkgoldenrod1")
abline(h=my.mean - 2*, lty="longdash", lwd=2, col="darkgoldenrod1")
abline(h=my.mean + 3*, lwd=2, col="red")
abline(h=my.mean - 3*, lwd=2, col="red")

# HTML-related functions #

# Make an HTML image map for a scatterplot. <- function (x, y, titles, { <- as.integer(grconvertX(x, to="device")) <- as.integer(grconvertY(y, to="device"))

html <- c(paste0('<map name="',, '">'))
areas <- apply(cbind(,, titles), 1, function (row) {
sprintf('<area shape="circle" coords="%s,%s,5" title="%s" nohref>',
row[1], row[2], row[3])
html <- c(html, areas)
c(html, "</map>")

# Make an HTML list of items
make.html.list <- function (items) {
c("<ul>", paste0("<li>", items, "</li>"), "</ul>")

# Read and process data #

# Read the CSV file (dump of MiSeqQC_RunParameters JOIN MiSeqQC_InteropSummary).
if (length(args) != 2) { stop(paste("Syntax: ./", scriptName, " <csvFile> <outpath>", sep="")) }
filePath <- args[1]
fileName <- gsub(".csv", "", basename(filePath))
reportDir <- args[2]
data <- read.csv(filePath, header=TRUE)

# Read list of parameters (name,desc,unit).
param.list <- read.csv("parameter_list.csv", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
rownames(param.list) <- param.list$parameter
param.list$ylab <- with(param.list,
paste0(param.desc, " (", param.unit, ")"),

# Read list of reagents (name,desc).
reagent.list <- read.csv("reagent_list.csv", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
rownames(reagent.list) <- reagent.list$reagent

# Parse dates.
data$RUNSTARTDATE <- as.Date(data$RUNSTARTDATE, "%d-%b-%y")
expiration.cols <- paste0(reagent.list$reagent, "_EXPIRATION")
data[,expiration.cols] <- lapply(data[,expiration.cols], as.Date, format="%d-%b-%y")
data <- data[order(data$RUNSTARTDATE),]

# Collect missing runs, and remove from further analysis.
missing.runs <- data[$RUNID.1),]
data <- data[!$RUNID.1),]

# Change proportions to percentages.
data$Q30_1 <- data$Q30_1*100
data$Q30_2 <- data$Q30_2*100

# Apply Westgard rules.
flags <- apply(data[,param.list$parameter], 2, westgard)
colnames(flags) <- paste0(colnames(flags), ".FLAG")
data <- cbind(data, flags)

# Number of days until expiration dates.
reagent.cols <- paste0(reagent.list$reagent, "_EXPIRATION")
days.left <- lapply(data[,reagent.cols], function(col) as.numeric(col-Sys.Date()))
names(days.left) <- sub("_EXPIRATION", ".DAYSLEFT", names(days.left))
data <- cbind(data, days.left)

# Create alerts.
# Runs missing from QC tables.
alerts <- apply(missing.runs, 1, function (row) {
sprintf("Sample sheet created on %s has no associated QC data", row["RUNNAME"],
strftime(row["RUNSTARTDATE"], "%b %d, %Y"))
# Parameters flagged on most recent run.
flag.cols <- colnames(data)[grepl("[.]FLAG$", colnames(data))]
most.recent <- data[nrow(data), flag.cols]
most.recent <- most.recent[,which(t(most.recent))]
alerts <- c(alerts, sapply(names(most.recent), function (col) {
sprintf("Parameter %s has been flagged",
sub(".FLAG", "", col, fixed=T))
# Reagents which are about to expire or have already expired.
expire.cols <- colnames(data)[grepl("[.]DAYSLEFT$", colnames(data))]
most.recent <- data[nrow(data), expire.cols]
most.recent <- most.recent[,which(t(most.recent) < 31)]
alerts <- c(alerts, sapply(names(most.recent), function (col) {
sprintf("The %s will expire in %d days",
sub(".DAYSLEFT", "", col, fixed=T),

# Make plots #

xlab <- "run date"
point.labels <- strftime(data$RUNSTARTDATE, "%b %d, %Y")

nup <- plotRows*plotColumns
nplots <- as.integer(nrow(param.list)/(nup))+1
. <- sapply(seq(0, nplots-1), function (i) {
params <- param.list[(i*nup+1):(i*nup+nup),"parameter"]
params <- params[!]
plotName <- paste0("parameters", i, ".png")
CairoPNG(file.path(reportDir, plotName), width=plotWidth, height=plotHeight)
par(yaxs="i", mfrow=c(plotRows, plotColumns), mar=c(2, 2, 1, 1), oma=c(1, 1, 0, 4))
sapply(1:length(params), function (i) {
y <- data[,params[i]]
flag <- data[,paste0(params[i], ".FLAG")]
ylim <- c(mean(y)-4*sd(y), mean(y)+4*sd(y))
y.scaled <- shrink.outliers(y, 4)
title <- param.list[params[i],"ylab"]
plot(x, y.scaled, ylim=ylim, type="n")
points(x, y.scaled, type=plotType, pch=plotPch[1], col=plotColor[1], lwd=plotLwd,
xlab=NA, ylab=NA, ylim=ylim)
flag.points(x, y.scaled, flag, flagPch[1], flagColor[1])
if (i %% plotColumns == 0 | i == length(params)) {
axis(4, at=mean(y)+sd(y)*seq(-3, 3), labels=seq(-3, 3))

limits <- par("usr")
xmiddle <- (limits[1] + limits[2])/2
ymax <- limits[4]
text(xmiddle, ymax, title, font=2, cex=1.5, pos=1)
mtext("standard deviations from mean", side=4, outer=T, line=2)

image.maps <- c()

# Report 1: Cluster Density
CairoPNG(file.path(reportDir, "REPORT-1.png"),
width=plotWidth, height=plotHeight, bg="transparent")
ymin <- min(c(clusterdensity.min, y))
ymax <- max(c(clusterdensity.max, y))
plot(x, y, type=plotType, pch=plotPch[1], col=plotColor[1], lwd=plotLwd,
ylim=c(ymin, ymax), xlab=xlab, ylab=param.list["CLUSTERDENSITY","ylab"])

flag.points(x, y, flag, flagPch[1], flagColor[1])
flag <- y > clusterdensity.max | y < clusterdensity.min
flag.points(x, y, flag, flagPch[2], flagColor[2])

abline(h=clusterdensity.min, lty="longdash", lwd=3)
abline(h=clusterdensity.max, lty="longdash", lwd=3)
text(max(x), clusterdensity.min, labels=clusterdensity.min, pos=3, cex=1.5)
text(max(x), clusterdensity.max, labels=clusterdensity.max, pos=3, cex=1.5)

title(main="Cluster density")
grid(nx=0, ny=NULL, col="black")
legend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], xjust=1, yjust=0, xpd=T,
legend=c("Tolerance", "Flagged (Westgard)", "Flagged (outside tolerance)"),
lty=c("longdash", NA, NA), pch=c(NA, flagPch), col=c("black", flagColor))
image.maps <- c(image.maps,, y, point.labels, "REPORT1Map"))

# Report 2: % bases passing Q30 cutoff
CairoPNG(file.path(reportDir, "REPORT-2.png"),
width=plotWidth, height=plotHeight, bg="transparent")
q30.means <- c(mean(data$Q30_1), mean(data$Q30_2))
q30.stdevs <- c(sd(data$Q30_1), sd(data$Q30_2))
ymin <- min(q30.means-4*q30.stdevs)
ymax <- max(c(q30.means+4*q30.stdevs, 100))

y <- data$Q30_1
flag <- data$Q30_1.FLAG
plot(x, y, type=plotType, col=plotColor[1], lwd=plotLwd, pch=plotPch[1],
ylim=c(ymin, ymax), ylab="bases passing Q30 cutoff (%)", xlab=xlab)
flag.points(x, y, flag, flagPch[1], flagColor[1])

y <- data$Q30_2
flag <- data$Q30_2.FLAG
lines(x, y, type=plotType, pch=plotPch[2], col=plotColor[2], lwd=plotLwd)
flag.points(x, y, flag, flagPch[1], flagColor[1])

title(main="Bases passing Q30 cutoffs")
grid(nx=0, ny=NULL, col="black")
legend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], xjust=1, yjust=0, xpd=T,
legend=c("read 1", "read 2", "Flagged (Westgard)"),
col=c(plotColor, flagColor[1]), pch=c(plotPch, flagPch[1]))
image.maps <- c(image.maps,, x), c(data$Q30_1, data$Q30_2),
c(point.labels, point.labels),

# Finally, generate the report.
Sweave("report.Rnw", driver=RweaveHTML, syntax="SweaveSyntaxNoweb")

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