Recently I finished reading High Performance MySQL by Baron Schwartz, Peter Zaitsev and Vadim Tkachenko. The book covers replication, partitioning, benchmarking, query analysis, etc. This repo is a collection of little "sandbox" environments I created to just kick-the-tires and try stuff out.
The first thing I'm going to try is setting up MySQL replication using docker and docker-compose. I'll use a container with tmux and tmuxinator to make a visualization.
- Dockerfile-tmuxinator A dockerfile that builds an image with tmux, tmuxinator, vim and the docker client binaries. The container created from this image will have the docker socket mounted within it so the client docker library in the container can communicate with the host's dockerd.
$ ./replication/
# build visualization container image
$ docker build -f ./Dockerfile-tmuxinator -t tmuxinator .
# start the containers
$ cd replication
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
# start visualization container
# IN ./replication/
$ docker run \
--rm \
-it \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v ./:/root \
--network replicatoin_default \
--name tmuxinator \
tmuxinator:latest \
tmuxinator start -p /root/tmuxinator-replication.yml
- get tmux layout
docker exec tmuxinator tmux list-windows | sed -n 's/.*layout \(.*\)] @.*/\1/p'